Radical Abortion Activists are Trying to Defeat the Last Pro-Life Democrat in Congress

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Feb 21, 2022   |   9:17PM   |   Washington, DC

The billion-dollar pro-abortion lobby is trying desperately to weed out Democrat lawmakers who refuse to support taxpayer-funded abortions up to birth.

And one of its biggest targets is U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, of Texas.

NARAL Pro-Choice America wants to replace Cuellar with Jessica Cisneros, an attorney who supports expanding abortions and forcing taxpayers to pay for them, according to the Huffington Post. The primary election is March 1.

Cuellar is the last pro-life Democrat in the U.S. House after pro-abortion groups spent massive amounts of money to replace former Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski in 2019.

In September, Cuellar was the only Democrat who voted no on a radical pro-abortion bill that pro-life leaders say would force every state to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions without limits up to birth. Cuellar also consistently has supported the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for elective abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs.

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His primary opponent would do the opposite. Cisneros told the Huffington Post that she will work hard to defeat the Hyde Amendment, if elected, because abortions are a “human right.”

“Especially in a region like this, where we do have border patrol checkpoints as you try to leave border towns, a lot of issues are very intersectional and [abortion] is one of them,” she said. “When we talk about having Medicare for all and recognizing that health care is a human right, not a privilege — that covers abortion care as well.”

Pro-abortion activists and Democrat leaders are working together to defeat Cuellar because he is pro-life.

The report continues:

Although some establishment Democrats are still supporting Cuellar — like House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer — other big names who backed him in 2020 have been relatively quiet, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Progressive Democrats, on the other hand, are out in full force for Cisneros. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) and Sens. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (Vt.) have all backed the progressive favorite, with Ocasio-Cortez and Warren traveling to Texas to campaign for the primary challenger.

Kristin Ford, a vice president at NARAL Pro-Choice America, also wants the pro-life Democrat out of Congress.

“Henry Cuellar was an anti-choice Democrat [in 2020], he had taken bad votes and was out of step with his constituents then,” Ford told the Post. “… It’s a really dramatic landscape this time in terms of abortion access and that’s a pretty significant development since the last time.”

One of pro-abortion groups’ goals is to pass the misnamed Women’s Health Protection Act, a radical pro-abortion bill that would force states legalize abortions without restriction and force taxpayers to pay for them even if Roe v. Wade is overturned. It passed the House last year, but pro-abortion Democrats do not have enough votes to pass it in the Senate, in part, thanks to lone pro-life Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, of West Virginia.

Cisneros said she would have supported the bill if she had been in Cuellar’s spot.

“One of the biggest differences between me and Cuellar is that if I had been in Congress when that vote was brought to the House floor, I would have voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act,” she told the news outlet. “I would have done whatever I could to get that bill passed.”

Though Cisneros tried to portray the pro-life Democrat as extreme, it is more likely that voters will view her own position that way. The 28th Congressional District of Texas is nearly 80 percent Hispanic, and they tend to be strongly pro-life. Recent reports have highlighted how many Hispanic voters are leaving the Democrat Party because of its extreme pro-abortion stance.

The Democratic Party platform supports abortions without restriction and demands that taxpayers be forced to pay for them.

Very few Americans share that view. A 2021 Marist poll found 58 percent of Americans oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in the U.S. Additionally, 77 percent oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions in other countries. A 2016 Harvard/Politico poll found that most voters, including a strong majority of low-income voters, oppose taxpayer-funded abortions.

Recent polls also show public support for greater legal protections for unborn babies, such as heartbeat laws and bans on abortion after the first trimester.