Late-Term Abortion Clinic May be Spreading Coronavirus Nationwide, Officials Want it Closed Down

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Apr 1, 2020   |   1:57PM   |   Wichita, Kansas

A Kansas abortion facility may be putting a huge number of people’s lives in danger by contributing to the spread of the coronavirus.

KSNW News reports the commissioners of Sedgwick County are considering what to do about the problems at Trust Women Wichita, an abortion facility that has been busy with out-of-state abortion patients since the coronavirus crisis broke.

“This past weekend the Governor of Oklahoma said that abortions were not considered essential services,” Commissioner Michael O’Donnell said. “So what’s happened is, all these individuals are coming from Oklahoma to Kansas to have their abortions. That just creates an obvious problem, because we’re bringing in people that may have been exposed to the coronavirus. That’s the reason it was closed in Oklahoma City.”

Local pro-life advocates have reported numerous health and safety problems at the abortion facility that could jeopardize people all across the country.

The Sedgwick County Commissioners plan to discuss the matter Wednesday, but their power is limited.

“The governor issued an order just a few days ago that said it superseded the local opinion,” O’Donnell said, according to the local news. “Therefore, our local ordinance is really null and void at this point. The only thing we can do is to say that abortion services are not considered essential. We have no power to actually close anything down on our own. That power rests, either with the governor or with the chief health officer.”

Gov. Laura Kelly is a pro-abortion Democrat, so it is highly unlikely that she will take action.

Meanwhile, Julie Burkhart, who runs the abortion facility, claimed aborting unborn babies up to the legal limit is “essential” work.

Here’s more from the report:

Burkhart said when the Trust Women’s clinic in Oklahoma closed due to being deemed as “nonessential” patients reschedule their appointments to the Wichita location.

“We are going to see more people traveling to say Colorado or New Mexico,” said Burkhart. “If the clinic is shuttered, then the people who are coming, including telemedicine for the non-abortion services, those folks are going to go without treatment and care as well.”

Her abortion facility is not in the business of saving lives. Local pro-life advocates estimated the facility aborted 117 unborn babies last weekend alone. They said they noticed license plates from Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana, where state orders halting non-essential medical care include elective abortions, and one from Canada.

“Women from Louisiana had to drive through multiple states to get to Kansas. These women had the potential of spreading the virus along the way. People who are not yet symptomatic, but have been exposed to COVID-19 can still transmit the virus to others,” according to the pro-life organization Operation Rescue.

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There are serious concerns about the abortionists at the facility, too. Operation Rescue uncovered information about a California abortionist who is practicing at the Kansas facility after allegedly being exposed to the coronavirus. Pro-life advocates believe the abortionist was not tested for the virus and could be spreading it to patients.

Another abortionist may be practicing at the Kansas facility without a license. “The abortionist on duty over the eventful weekend was believed to be a former Trust Women abortionist named Cheryl Chastine, who allowed her Kansas medical license to expire in 2016, after quitting her job in Wichita.  It has not been renewed.  Chastine is also not listed on Trust Women’s current 24-hour consent form as required by law,” according to the pro-life organization.

Pro-lifers who continue to stand on the sidewalks hoping to save unborn babies also are at risk.

Last weekend, in a gross violation of basic health standards, an abortion facility security guard in Texas allegedly gave a pro-life volunteer a bag of vomit from a sick woman, according to the pro-life organization. The volunteer filed a police report. At the Kansas abortion facility, another man was arrested for reportedly stealing property from a local pro-life leader.

Because of the governor’s stay-at-home order, Kansas pro-life advocates also expressed fears about being arrested if they continue their life-saving work.

Although the situation is fluid, here are the latest reports from on the status of abortion and orders to stop non-essential medical services:

States Attempting to Protect Babies From Abortion

Texas: Abortion centers are temporarily closed after Governor Greg Abbott’s order. But Texas abortion businesses have sued the state to reopen. Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit as well to do abortions and ignore the order. A federal judge blocked the order and allowed abortion centers to keep killing babies but a federal appeals court reinstated the order.

Maryland: Abortion centers are included in the abortion order to stop non-essential procedures but they have been caught violating the order.

Louisiana: Abortion centers are included in the order to close and all three closed initially but at least one abortion center has been caught doing abortions.

Ohio: Abortion centers are included in the order to close but they are refusing to close. The health department is now investigating those violations. Meanwhile, a judge has blocked the state’s order banning abortions.

Mississippi: Abortion centers are included in the order and the state’s sole abortion business has closed.

Tennessee: Tennessee Governor Wants Abortion Businesses to Close, Killing Babies is Not “Essential” Medical Care

Oklahoma: Oklahoma Gov Orders Abortion Businesses to Close, Killing Babies is Not “Essential” Medical Care. The Planned Parenthood abortion business has sued to keep doing abortions.

Kentucky: Attorney General Asks Health Department to Shut Down Abortion Clinics to Combat Coronavirus

Iowa: Governor Kim Reynolds Bans Killing Babies in Abortions to Save Medical Resources to Fight Coronavirus

Indiana: Governor Bans Killing Babies in Abortions to Save Medical Resources to Fight Coronavirus. At least one abortion business is refusing to comply.

Alabama: Alabama stopped abortions under its non-essential order until April 13th but a judge ruled the state can’t infringe on the so-called “right” to abortion.

West Virginia: Gov Bans Killing Babies in Abortions to Save Medical Resources to Fight Coronavirus.

States Not Protecting Babies From Abortion

Virginia: Christians Could be Jailed for 1 Year for Attending Church, But Abortion Clinics Can Keep Killing Babies

New York: New York has issued an order to stop non-essential health services but is not applying it to abortion centers. New York Attorney General: Coronavirus Crisis is No Reason to Stop Killing Babies in Abortions. NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio has threatened to permanently close churches while letting abortion centers stay open.

Minnesota: Minnesota Issues Shelter at Home Order But People Can Still Go Kill Their Babies in Abortions

New Mexico: New Mexico Shuts Down Non-Essential Health Care, But Allows Abortion Clinics to Keep Killing Babies

New Jersey: Shut down non-essential health care but abortion centers are excluded.

Michigan: Governor Whitmer has stopped non-essential medical surgeries but allowed abortion clinics to keep killing babies.

North Carolina: Pro-life groups have called on the governor to stop abortions during the coronavirus crisis.

Washington: Shut down non-essential health care but abortion centers are excluded.

California: Shut down non-essential health care but abortion centers are excluded. But 11 Planned Parenthood abortion centers have voluntarily closed.

Pennsylvania: Shut down non-essential health care but abortion centers are excluded.

Maine: Shut down non-essential health care but abortion centers are excluded.

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico Shuts Down Pregnancy Center Over Coronavirus, Lets Abortion Clinics Stay Open

Massachusetts: Shut down non-essential health care but abortion centers are excluded.


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