15-Year-Old Girl Brutally Raped and Then Forced to Have Abortion

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jul 19, 2021   |   1:00PM   |   Washington, DC

Another horrific case of sexual violence and forced abortion against a young girl and her unborn baby was reported this week in India.

The Deccan Herald reports the 15-year-old girl escaped her abusers earlier this month and ran back home where her parents contacted police in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Allegedly, the girl was raped by a man named Shahzad, 26, who promised to marry her, according to the report. Kotwali Police said Shahzad already had a wife. Police said the man’s two brothers and friends also raped the girl on July 8.

When the girl became pregnant, police said Shahzad and his family forced her to have an abortion. According to police, the girl said she tried to resist, but the family threatened her and forced her to abort her unborn child, the report continues.

On Sunday, police said they arrested Shahzad and his parents, Haroon and Gulfshan. Police said they charged seven people in connection to the case, and they are still looking for the other four.

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Police said the girl was frightened and ran home to her parents. A few days later, police said they took their daughter to the doctor where she revealed how she had been abused; her parents filed a report with police.

Abortions are legal for basically any reason up to 20 weeks in India.

Abortions and abuse frequently are connected. LifeNews has reported dozens of stories where sexual abuse victims, including human trafficking victims, were pressured or forced into aborting their unborn babies by abusers.

Abortions are a tool used by abusers to cover up their crimes and continue abusing their victims. Abortion facilities also have been caught failing to report suspected abuse to authorities on numerous occasions.

Women and girls frequently are forced or coerced to abort their unborn babies. As LifeNews previously reported, one study found that 64 percent of post-abortive women said they felt pressure to have the abortion. LifeNews also has been keeping track of reports involving allegations of forced and coerced abortions, as well as abuse connected with women who refuse to abort their unborn babies.