President Trump’s Decision to Defund International Planned Parenthood Cost It $79 Million

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Mar 23, 2020   |   11:56AM   |   Washington, DC

Under the Obama administration, America sent hundreds of millions tax dollars to the abortion industry across the world.

President Donald Trump put an end to that right after he took office, and a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) shows the impact of his pro-life policy.

The Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) reports pro-abortion Democrat lawmakers asked the GAO to investigate the policy and its impact on international aid. Abortion activists have complained that the policy could hurt global health initiatives, especially in poor and rural areas.

However, as C-Fam noted: “One of the purposes of the expansion of the Mexico City Policy, however, is precisely to dismantle pro-abortion monopolies. The Obama administration established these monopolies by awarding U.S. health funding to abortion-promoting organizations rather than investing in a diverse group of health providers.”

The Trump administration is doing just that, ensuring American tax dollars support actual health care and not abortions.

According to the GAO report, 96 percent of the agencies that receive international aid grants are complying with Trump’s pro-life regulation. The few that refused to comply are some of the largest abortion groups in the world: the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International.

The abortion groups lost approximately $153 million in American taxpayer funding, as of 2018, according to the report. This includes about $79 million to the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes alone.

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A total of 54 abortion groups declined the funding after Trump enacted the pro-life policy, but many of them were the two major abortion groups or their affiliates, C-Fam reports.

Under the Obama administration, these groups were awarded more than $260 million in taxpayer-funded grants for family planning, maternal and child health, tuberculosis and nutrition, the report continues. It is not clear exactly how much of the money was used to fund the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

Back in 2018, the International Planned Parenthood Federation told ABC News it will lose an estimated $100 million in U.S. funding as a result of the policy. Marie Stopes, which is based in England, estimated a loss of about £60 million ($73 million) total.

If Trump is re-elected for four more years, those totals could grow and even more unborn babies’ lives could be saved by redirecting tax dollars to actual health care providers that work to save lives, not destroy them.

More recently, Trump also defunded Planned Parenthood of about $60 million through the Title X program and redirected that money to actual medical clinics that help families.

Polls consistently show strong public support for such policies. According to a 2019 poll by Marist University, 75 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortions abroad and 19 percent support them. In 2016, a Harvard University poll found that just 36 percent of likely voters support taxpayer-funded abortions in Medicare.