Colorado Amendment Would Create a “Right” to Kill Babies in Abortions

State   |   Marcie Little   |   May 10, 2024   |   1:39PM   |   Denver, Colorado

In November, Colorado voters will decide whether the “right” to abortion gets added to our constitution or not.

If passed, you’ll have to start paying for abortions with your tax dollars.

After months of deceptively collecting signatures for this ballot initiative, on April 18th, Colorado’s coalition of radical pro-abortion groups submitted petition signatures to the Secretary of State to put their “right to abortion” amendment on the November ballot.

They want to shove extreme abortion policy down our throats and force us to pay for it.

Why are they doing this if abortion is already legal through all nine months of pregnancy?

Because they feel threatened by other states banning abortion and the impact that has on their bottom line.

They claim to care about women’s health and “reproductive rights” but a “right” to unrestricted abortion actually means:

  • Unregulated abortion resulting in back alley type conditions at abortion facilities
  • Young teen girls will be able to order dangerous abortion pills online without their parents’ consent
  • We can’t stop torturous late-term and partial-birth abortions from happening
  • Even more women will flood into our state for their abortions at all stages of pregnancy
  • And the number of unborn babies who die from abortion will continue to skyrocket in Colorado

Even though abortion is already legal in Colorado, the stakes are too high for us to sit this fight out. We need all hands on deck to defeat this amendment. Otherwise our movement will face an even greater obstacle to saving unborn lives in the future.

The passage of this amendment would have devastating consequences for all parts of the pro-life movement in Colorado, impacting the work of pregnancy centers and other faith-based pro-life groups.

Unborn lives are at risk more than ever, and we need your help. Here’s how:

  1. Please join our coalition by signing up to volunteer. No matter what your passions and gifting, there’s a place for you!
  2. If you’re part of a church, please forward this email to your pastor so he is aware of the fight ahead. Pastors played a huge role in how people voted on amendments like this in other states.
  3. Donate today. We must launch a massive, targeted campaign to help get out the vote and expose the radical nature of this amendment, and these campaigns are expensive. Your gift will help us reach voters ahead of an election where every vote counts.

Training will be provided for all volunteer positions and you’ll join a growing statewide team dedicated to fighting for our right to save unborn lives.

Don’t have time to volunteer? Please donate generously to help propel our all-volunteer efforts forward to victory.

Please help us defeat this amendment and fight against the radical, evil agenda of the abortion industry.

LifeNews Note: Marcie Little is the Executive Director for Coloradans for the Protection of Women and Children