We Must Help Mothers, Stop Killing Babies in Abortions

National   |   Tom Ciesielka   |   Sep 8, 2023   |   6:12PM   |   Washington, DC

A September 6, 2023, report from the Guttmacher Institute, a Planned Parenthood-founded abortion research group, delivers “sobering and devastating” numbers, says American Life League’s Director of STOPP International, Ed Martin.

Martin is quick to put the onus on states which have not dealt with some key regulatory issues in the months following the United States Supreme Court Dobbs decision, which upended federal oversight of abortion and returned responsibility to the states.

Guttmacher’s released research shows that, nearly across the board, abortion rates have skyrocketed. This comes after previous data showed that the 30-year trend of abortions decreasing had ended. Abortions are on the rise across the United States.

“To stop the killing of preborn children through abortion,” Martin declared, “leadership is needed at every level of government. States should not be in the business of legitimizing the killing of innocent children. Women seeking abortion need affirmation in their ability to carry their baby to term, not options on when and where to kill them. Would we propose regulating the deaths in the gas chamber?  Of course not, so why the babies?”

“We don’t need any more ‘talk’ from elected officials and policymakers,” added Martin. “They need to act.”

Martin’s colleagues at American Life League agree, though Vice President Hugh Brown is quick to identify the problem as a spiritual one.

“We live in an age when the lust to dehumanize pre-born children and slaughter them without limit or consequence is a possessed obsession for many,” exclaimed Brown. “There is no thought given to the killing. There is no thought given to murdering babies. There is no thought given to the devastation of slaughtering innocence and maiming women physically, emotionally, and spiritually.”

In almost every state, Guttmacher’s data reported that abortions have increased. The findings tracked the percentage of increase from 2020 to June of 2023. Overall, of the 37 states they tracked numbers for, the states saw an average increase of 40% in abortion.

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“Skyrocketing abortion numbers are no surprise,” observed Brown. “The world, the media, the political class, popular culture, the lovers of money, and others fan the flames of fear and confusion leading many young women to embrace a horror they have no real concept of, or may never recover from, no matter how many years pass. As more children die, the farther and farther many on this planet drift from their own humanity.”

One thing that the STOPP International team is quick to point out is that the data from the Guttmacher Institute breaks down month-over-month abortion numbers by state, but only collects numbers reported by clinics, hospitals, and doctor’s offices. The report does not allow for what they call “sell-managed” abortions. Any abortions done via the abortion pill regimen do not get reported. Research confirms that more than 52 percent of all abortions are pill abortions. Leading STOPP to label the September 2023 released numbers as “just a small glimpse into a horrifying reality.”

An additional observation about the Guttmacher research is that no tracking was done on states possessing abortion regulations and bans. Though concrete evidence shows that abortions were committed in those states, despite the restrictions on the books. The focus was on states that bordered states with abortion laws in place, such as New Mexico, Wyoming, Kansas, and Illinois, which showed a 220, 202, 114, and 69 percent increases in abortion respectively.

The data presented appears to have focused on portraying a demand-heavy market for abortion – with Planned Parenthood eager to provide the supply.

“It has never been a secret that the Guttmacher Institute was once a part of Planned Parenthood,” clarified American Life League President Judie Brown, as she urges all to look at the research group’s roots.

“The Guttmacher Institute silently but persistently pounds the drum for African American women to abort…Look at Margaret Sanger, the publicly racist founder of Planned Parenthood,” shared Judie Brown. She also points to the continually arising accusations of racism from former employees of the abortion giant, the leaders who have been toppled for bigoted statements and behavior, and the discriminatory salaries that place the abortion corporation’s executives of color at the bottom of the pay scale.

“It is time for our nation to put a pin in the abortion giant’s killer balloon and end all such killing whether it occurs at home, in an office or in a hospital,” proclaimed Judie Brown. “Abortion kills people and yet Planned Parenthood is all in. Tragedy will persist until they and their cronies are out of business. Stop the killing.”