Majority of Brazilians are Pro-Life, Reject Killing Babies in Abortions

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jul 4, 2023   |   8:50AM   |   Washington, D.C.

A new poll from Datafolha confirms that Brazilians remain strongly opposed to legalized abortion on demand.

Nation World News reports the June poll found 52 percent disagree that women have the right to decide about abortion, as opposed to 45 percent who believe women should. Only 25 percent said they strongly agree that women have a right to abortion. In contrast, 39 percent said they strongly disagree.

A similar poll in 2020 by Ipsos found 16 percent of Brazilians think abortions should be permitted whenever a woman decides she wants one. The vast majority of those polled said they oppose abortions or believe they should be limited to cases of rape and threats to the mother’s life.

Brazil protects unborn babies from abortion in almost all circumstances. Abortions are only allowed in cases of rape, incest or risks to the mother’s life.

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Most Central and South American countries protect unborn babies from abortion. However, some have caved to international political pressure in recent years. Argentina legalized abortion in late 2020, as did several Mexican states in recent years.

In Brazil, protections for unborn babies are under threat because of its new president, progressive leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Earlier this year, his administration announced plans to withdraw from the Geneva Consensus, a historic pro-life agreement signed by more than 30 countriesaccording to The Brazilian Report.

The international declaration, which the government of Brazil led under the Bolsonaro administration, affirms the countries’ commitment to advancing women’s health care and adopting policies that promote women’s and children’s welfare, including children in the womb. The document states that “there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion.”

The United States also signed the document under President Donald Trump’s administration. However, the country withdrew when President Joe Biden took office.

In the U.S., polls show that Americans support strong limits on abortion, including protections for unborn babies after the first trimester, if not sooner. LifeNews highlighted 27 recent polls here.