AMA Rejects Resolution to Care for Babies Who Survive Abortions

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 13, 2023   |   12:57PM   |   Washington, DC

Abortion activists took over the major medical organizations in America years ago.

Their radical pro-abortion views are now so far outside mainstream medicine and science that the American Medical Association (AMA) has rejected a proposal to support medical care for babies who survive abortions.

Thomas Eppes Jr., MD, a delegate from Forest, Virginia, proposed a resolution asking that the AMA merely oppose infanticide. He wanted the major medical group on record supporting proper medical care for any baby who survives an abortion procedure.

The resolution from the doctor, who describes himself as pro-choice on abortion, asked the AMA to “advocate for availability of the highest standard of neonatal care to [an] aborted fetus born alive at a gestational age of viability,” which occurs at approximately 21-22 weeks’ gestation.

According to a report, Eppes explained that his resolution wouldn’t have the AMA take a position on abortion. It would merely urge proper medical care and treatment for a viable baby who had been born alive — a view most Americans support.

“This position is not to argue the woman’s right to choose … The decision to abort is still between the patient and the physician,” Eppes said. “It does not imply the woman’s responsibility for the fetal life, but this resolution places the burden of care on the physician, who now has to care for two patients once the fetus is viable.”

The AMA said no.

ACTION ALERT: To complain, contact the AMA.

Doctors with the leftist medical group voted 476-106 against medical care for a newborn who survives abortion.

And they voted after a representative of ACOG, another radical pro-abortion group that was formally an esteemed medical organization, told them to vote no.

“Our policy should be based on science, it should be based on fact, and it should be based on the best available evidence that honors and upholds the value of the patient-physician relationship and the nuance and complexity of medical care,” said Kavita Arora, MD, of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a delegate from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) who was speaking on behalf of the ACOG section council and the Specialty and Service societies. “It is not a one-size-fits-all approach and should not be based on misinformation or disinformation. I strongly urge you to oppose.”

But science and facts are clear – babies are born alive after failed aboritons.

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of babies survive abortions every year, but no one knows exactly how many. Most governments do not keep track of babies who survive abortions.

LifeNews recently examined abortion data from seven U.S. states that do keep track, and, between 2020 and 2022, 34 babies were reported born alive in botched abortions.

Statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, as well as the personal testimonies of nurses and abortion survivors themselves, also provide evidence that babies survive abortions. According to the CDC, at least 143 babies were born alive after botched abortions between 2003 and 2014 in the U.S., though there likely are many more.

In Canada, the Canadian Institute of Health Information recorded 766 late-term, live-birth abortions over a five-year period in 2018. And in Australia, the country’s health minister admitted that 27 babies survived abortions in the state of Western Australia between 1999 and 2016.

ACTION ALERT: To complain, contact the AMA.