Pro-Abortion Legislator Wants to Mandate Vasectomies for Men

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Aug 9, 2022   |   1:44PM   |   Washington, DC

Nebraska Senator John McCollister, who is pro-abortion, wants to mandate vasectomies for men

He’s being facetious — making the absurd claim that somehow abortion bans take control over women’s bodies, ergo government should take control over men’s bodies.

I am supporting legislation to MANDATE vasectomies for all Nebraska males. Cash rewards will be offered to people who TURN IN men who refuse to comply. If we are going to control women’s bodies, we may as well go all the way with the authoritarianism,” McCollister tweeted on Monday.

(Obviously, I am not serious. This would be ludicrous, but this is JUST as ludicrous as the government telling a woman what to do with her own body. Real Republicans support the freedom to choose),” he added.

The tweet has gone viral on twitter among abortion activists but McCollister should delete it out of sheer embarrassment at his complete and total lack of understanding about science.

The Democrat legislator clearly doesn’t understand the basic science that a baby’s body is not a woman’s body. No one is deciding what women can do with their bodies. Abortion bans are saying what abortionists can’t do to someone else’s body.

There are two bodies involved in an abortion, the mother’s and the baby’s. And, from the moment a baby is conceived, it is much more than a clump of cells. At 4 weeks, a baby’s brain and heart tissue begin to develop, and the first heartbeat can be detected after 22 days. Limbs and major organs start forming shortly thereafter and then come the lips and nose. A preborn baby responds to touch by week 6 and scientists have discovered that preborn babies may be able to feel pain as early as 12 weeks gestational age. Ultrasounds show the beating heart and small fingers and toes.

Ingrid Skop, M.D., board certified OBGYN, confirms that the unborn baby is a separate and distinct human being from his or her mother.

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Fortunately, growing recognition of the reality of life in utero is defeating these lies.

Moms are seeing the motion of their child’s heart and hearing their little one’s heartbeat at six-week ultrasound appointments. Abortion survivors are sharing their stories of being attacked in the womb. Doctors operating on babies in utero give them separate anesthesia in acknowledgement that they feel pain. The viability line is continually moving to lower gestational ages, and extremely premature babies are heading home from the hospital. Life is winning.

Meanwhile, Donna Harrison, a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist, and executive director of the American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists says, “When life begins is not up to personal opinion, it’s a scientific fact.”

The scientific definition for the start point of any mammalian organism, including humans, is “fertilization.” For humans, this happens when a sperm travels up a woman’s fallopian tube to join with the woman’s egg after it’s been released. At the moment of fertilization, sperm and egg fuse together. This takes place in milliseconds.

Science recognizes that a sperm and egg fused together become a one-cell, living organism. Its scientific name is a “zygote” (not the misnomer “fertilized egg”). Following fertilization, this zygote, or one-celled embryo, is brushed gently down the fallopian tube toward the woman’s womb. As it travels in about five to seven days through the tube, it is rapidly growing and adding more cells.

By the time the embryo gets to the womb, the womb’s lining has been perfectly prepared to embrace and nurture the embryo for further growth. The embryo implants in the womb and starts making a lot of a special hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). This hCG ensures that the woman’s ovaries will continue to produce progesterone, that special hormone needed for nourishing the unborn child. Beta hCG is what a positive pregnancy test measures.

Usually about a week after implantation of the embryo in the womb, when the embryo is approximately 14 days old, enough hCG is present in the woman’s urine for a basic grocery store pregnancy test to read “positive.”