Number of Americans Who Say They Believe in God Drops to All-Time Low

National   |   Brittany Hughes   |   Jun 21, 2022   |   9:43AM   |   Washington, DC

In the age of endless pronouns, drag queen shows for children, and banshees demanding abortion rights up until the moment of birth, it may come as no surprise that the number of Americans who say they believe in God has dropped to an all-time low.

According to Gallup, only 81 percent of Americans now say they believe in God, a new low and a drastic decline from the 87 percent who said the same in 2013.

The polling agency reported that when they asked the same question in the 1950s and ‘60s, an overwhelming 98 percent of respondents said they believed in God. By 2011, that number had dropped – yet still, 92 percent answered in the affirmative.

By 2014, only 86 percent said they believed.

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Perhaps also unsurprising is the demographic most likely to disavow belief in a Divine Creator. Among those polled, Gallup says unbelief was most common among young people… and liberals.

Gallup reports:

The groups with the largest declines are also the groups that are currently least likely to believe in God, including liberals (62%), young adults (68%) and Democrats (72%). Belief in God is highest among political conservatives (94%) and Republicans (92%), reflecting that religiosity is a major determinant of political divisions in the U.S.

Men are slightly less likely than women to say they believe in God (80 percent versus 83 percent, respectively).

Of those who said they believe in God, fewer than half – 42 percent – said they believe God hears and answers prayer. One in 10 said they believe He does neither.

LifeNews Note: Brittany Hughes writes for MRCTV, where this originally appeared.