Grandma Saves Her Own Grandson From Abortion

State   |   Shawn Carney   |   Mar 2, 2022   |   11:53AM   |   Helena, Montana

Margaret was frustrated.

A cycle of abortion in her own family motivated Margaret to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign in Helena, Montana…

…but she hadn’t confirmed a single saved baby, converted abortion worker, or any positive results at all.

To make matters worse, she learned that her granddaughter was pregnant–and planning to have an abortion.

It was a low moment. But then Margaret’s volunteers informed her that they had saved their first baby! And that’s not all–it turns out the saved baby was Margaret’s great-grandchild!

For the full story–and to meet Baby Leo–watch this new video (story begins at 4:30).

Follow on Instagram for pro-life pictures and videos.

Margaret saved her granddaughter from perpetuating the pattern of abortion in her family.

As children of God, we’re called to treat every abortion-bound woman like our own flesh and blood. Bring hope to a woman in crisis by signing up to join the 40 Days for Life vigil nearest you: Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.