Feminist Takes Abortion Pill on Live Television, Brags About Killing Her Unborn Baby

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jan 24, 2022   |   6:21PM   |   Washington, DC

A Satanic cult leader and well-known abortion activist shocked Michigan news watchers over the weekend when she took an abortion pill on live TV during an interview with Fox 2 Detroit.

The pro-abortion blog Jezebel highlighted the disturbing act by Jex Blackmore, an abortion activist and former Satanic Temple leader.

Blackmore appeared on the station’s “Let It Rip” program to debate pro-life advocate Rebecca Kiessling on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that forces states to legalize abortion up to viability.

In the midst of their debate, Blackmore held up a pill that she said was mifepristone, the first of two abortion drugs taken to abort unborn babies up to 10 weeks, and swallowed it on-air with a smile, according to the blog.

“I want to show you how easy it is, how safe it is, by taking it myself,” she told host Charlie Langton.

“You’re taking it? Are you-?” an obviously shocked Langton responded. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

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Blackmore replied: “I would say that this is going to end a pregnancy. … This will be my third abortion,” according to a segment of the interview that Kiessling posted on Facebook.

Kiessling also appeared shocked, shaking her head at the woman’s evil act. When the host asked for her reaction, she explained how the abortion drug kills unborn babies and leaves women to suffer alone and bleeding in their bathrooms, going through painful contractions and then left to dispose of their aborted baby’s body themselves.

“After the segment ended, I just broke down in tears,” Kiessling wrote afterward on Facebook. “It’s like someone pushing a button for a drone strike on innocent victims like it’s nothing because they don’t see them, while the rest of us are fully aware of the carnage to ensue, the shocking loss of life.”

She said the host also reached out to her after the show to inform her that they had no idea Blackmore was going to abort her unborn baby on-air.

Kiessling said she later learned that Blackmore was kicked out of the Satanic Temple after she allegedly publicly announced plans to execute the president of the United States.

Kiessling urged people to pray for the woman and her unborn baby.

“It’s so disturbing. Please pray, pray for Jex Blackmore to have a change of heart and do the abortion pill reversal, pray for her baby, pray for us all, pray to end abortion,” she wrote on Facebook.

Blackmore is a pro-abortion radical and an attention-seeker. In 2016, she urged abortion activists to mail sperm-soaked socks, rags and condoms to Texas pro-life Gov. Greg Abbott’s office after he signed a pro-life bill into law, AlterNet reported at the time. She reportedly warned people that sending bodily fluids through the postal service “may get you in trouble, so do this at your own risk.”

As to the abortion drug that she took on-air, mifepristone is responsible for millions unborn babies’ deaths, dozens of women’s deaths and thousands of complications.

A growing body of research indicates the drug is more dangerous for pregnant mothers than abortion activists claim. One study, published in December in the journal “Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology,” found a “significant” gap in reports on abortion complications from the drug mifepristone. Another 2021 study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute found that abortion-related emergency room visits by women taking the abortion drug increased more than 500 percent between 2002 and 2015.

The findings call into question a December action by the Biden administration that removed safety regulations from the abortion drug. Now, abortionists are selling the drugs online – often without seeing or even talking to the woman first.

Meanwhile, the life-saving abortion pill reversal treatment also is growing in use. This safe and effective method of reversing the abortion drug mifepristone has saved at least 3,000 babies’ lives so far.

Anyone who has taken the first abortion pill and wishes to stop the abortion is urged to immediately visit www.abortionpillreversal.com or call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline at 877-558-0333.