Radical Pro-Abortion Groups Endorse Gavin Newsom Because He Promoted Abortions Up to Birth

State   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Aug 3, 2021   |   11:33AM   |   Sacramento, California

Pro-abortion Gov. Gavin Newsom received endorsements from several major pro-abortion groups this week in the upcoming recall election in California.

NARAL Pro-Choice California, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California and several Democrat lawmakers came together to urge residents to vote “no” on Newsom’s recall Sept. 15, the Sacramento Bee reports.

“This recall effort is nothing more than a hate-filled, Republican-fueled campaign to unseat a true champion for Californians and reproductive freedom,” said Shannon Olivieri Hovis, director of the California affiliate of NARAL.

Newsom’s leadership has been a gift to the billion-dollar abortion industry.

During his first year as governor, he doubled state taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups, FOX 40 reports. He also signed a law forcing public colleges to provide abortions for free on campus – something even his pro-abortion predecessor Gov. Jerry Brown thought was too radical. And when other states began passing a record number of pro-life laws to protect unborn babies, Newsom issued a proclamation welcoming women to come to California for abortions.

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Hovis said Newsom’s abortion advocacy is more critical than ever because the U.S. Supreme Court is getting ready to hear a challenge to Roe v. Wade.

“NARAL Pro-Choice California and our nearly 300,000 members will continue to support Gov. Newsom and work to ensure California continues to have an established leader for reproductive freedom in the governor’s office,” Hovis said.

Others warned that the recall could have a devastating impact on abortion in California, especially if a Republican wins. According to the Bee, 46 candidates are running against Newsom.

“I want to be clear: Access to abortion, health equality and health equity are on the ballot in this recall,” said Jodi Hicks, CEO of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California.

State Sen. Syndey Kamlager, D-Los Angeles, explained that Newsom is central to their abortion agenda.

“He needs to continue this work,” Kamlager said. “California needs Gov. Newsom to stay in office so that he can do so.”

The recall election is Sept. 14, but California is mailing ballots to all state voters a month early. On the ballot, voters will be asked two questions: first, if Newsom should be recalled, and, second, who should replace him.