African Bishop Slams Joe Biden for Funding Planned Parenthood: Abortion is an “Abominable Crime”

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Feb 3, 2021   |   11:00AM   |   Washington, DC

African Catholic Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama lamented this week that President Joe Biden is spending Americans’ tax dollars to promote the killing of unborn babies in abortions in developing nations.

Speaking with Crux, the Nigerian archbishop said Biden, who professes to be Catholic, has his priorities mixed up.

“The president should use his office to prioritize the most vulnerable, including unborn children,” he told the Catholic news outlet.

Kaigama joined other Catholic and pro-life leaders in criticizing Biden for overturning the Mexico City Policy, a pro-life rule President Donald Trump put in place to defund the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which kills babies in abortions around the world and lobbies to legalize abortions in pro-life countries.

“It is intriguing that one of Biden’s first official acts is to promote the destruction of human lives domestically and in developing nations,” Kaigama said. “This order does not stand to reason; it violates human dignity.”

He said killing a baby, born or unborn, is an “abominable crime,” and “abortion is a direct attack on life that also wounds the woman and undermines the family and above all, it offends God.”

Other African leaders also have been speaking out against the international pressure that pro-life countries are facing to legalize abortions.

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Last year, Culture of Life Africa leader Obianuju Ekeocha accused the United Nations and a number of western nations, including Canada and the United Kingdom, of “humanitarian blackmail” by using the coronavirus pandemic to push abortions on pro-life African countries.

Then, last week, Ekeocha expressed disgust after hearing Biden call himself a “savior” for giving tax dollars to promote the killing of unborn babies in other countries.

“Talking about himself and his abortion partners as being the saviors of the world, this I find quite horrifying,” she said in an online message. “… this man now being the newly elected president of the United States then means that money will go into the pockets of organizations that are, in fact, abortion giants.”

Later, she continued: “This means the elimination of my people. This means the death and killing of the most innocent, of the African unborn babies.”

Most Americans agree that their tax dollars should not fund abortions in other countries. A January poll from Marist found that 77 percent oppose using tax dollars to support abortion in other countries. Significantly, this includes a majority of Democrats (55 percent) and pro-choice Americans (64 percent).

Biden’s unpopular action means Planned Parenthood and MSI Reproductive Choices (formerly Marie Stopes International) will receive tens of millions of U.S. tax dollars as they abort unborn babies and promote abortions across the world.

These two groups alone abort millions of unborn babies every year. The abortion groups also have faced numerous scandals, including allegations of forced abortions, botched abortions that killed mothers as well as their unborn babies, health and safety violations, sales of aborted baby body parts and failures to report sexual abuse of minors.

Under Trump, Planned Parenthood’s international arm was defunded of about $100 million and the British-based abortion chain MSI Reproductive Choices lost about $73 million in U.S. tax dollars.