Hillary Clinton Endorses Democrat Who Said He “Didn’t Care” About George Floyd’s Death

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jun 16, 2020   |   11:36AM   |   Washington, DC

Protests and riots have occurred all across America in reaction to a police officer apparently killing an unarmed black man named George Floyd. The mainstream media has called President Trump and white Americans racists as a result. And liberals have gone as far as claiming pro-life Americans who aren’t looting and participating in violence as a reaction to his death inconsistent and not truly pro-life.

But pro-abortion former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has just revealed some of the hypocrisy behind the attacks.

She has endorsed Democratic New York Rep. Eliot Engel. He was caught recently on a hot mic admitting he didn’t really care about George Floyd’s death. Earlier this month, Engel admitted that he only cared about speaking at a press conference on the George Floyd protests because he has a primary opponent.

Local officials held a press conference Tuesday after rioters and looters ransacked New York City on Monday night.

The press conference livestream appears to show Engel asking to speak at the event before telling a local official: “If I didn’t have a primary I wouldn’t care.”

Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. asked Engel to repeat himself, and the congressman obliged. “If I didn’t have a primary I wouldn’t care,” Engel repeated.

Hillary Clinton delivered her first Democratic primary endorsement in a 2020 House race on Monday,and the endorsement went to Engel despite the controversial remark.

“I have worked with Eliot Engel as first lady, as senator from New York and as secretary of state,” Clinton said in a statement provided to The New York Times. “Every step of the way, his No. 1 priority has always remained the same: delivering for his constituents.”

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“He is deeply committed to working with our allies to maintain American leadership on the global stage,” she added.

Engel strongly supports abortion on demand, so it’s no shock to hear that he “wouldn’t care” about Floyd’s death if he didn’t have a primary opponent. Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn’t care either.

Floyd, a 46-year-old black man died after a Minneapolis, Minnesota, police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes, despite Floyd saying he couldn’t breath, a video showed. The officer, Derek Chauvin, has been fired and charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter for Floyd’s death.