Man Brutally Strangles His Pregnant Girlfriend and Demands She Get an Abortion

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Dec 23, 2019   |   4:19PM   |   London, England

A Welsh woman said she tolerated years of abuse from her boyfriend before she finally left him for the sake of her children.

Leah Collard, 29, of the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales, accused David Rhys Williams of strangling her while she was pregnant and pressuring her to abort her unborn baby, according to the Digital Weekly.

Williams, of St Brannocks Close, Barry, pleaded guilty earlier this year to assault, Wales Online reports. On Oct. 21, a court fined him about £600 and issued a two-year restraining order against contacting Collard, according to the report.

Collard said Williams physically and verbally abused her for years, but she stayed with him because he would threaten to hurt or kill himself if she left.

On New Year’s Eve in 2013, he tried to strangle her while she was pregnant, she said. Collard recorded the abuse and shared the recording with local news outlets.

According to the reports, Collard can be heard screaming, “Get off me!” while a man can be heard laughing.

“Don’t do that to me – I am pregnant!” Collard says in the recording. “You will make me have a miscarriage with your f—— child. You want to kill your child, do you?”

The man, allegedly Williams, replies: “Who gives a f—? Who would want a baby with you? You are a f—ing s—.”

At another point, the man tells her to “Get an abortion.” Later, the man screams at Collard to rip up the ultrasound photos of her unborn baby, according to the reports.

“If we’re over, rip them up,” he says, followed by a string of profanities.

Collard said she eventually decided to leave after authorities warned her that social services might take her children away if she stayed with Williams.

Abortions and abuse are closely linked. Women and girls frequently feel coerced or forced into aborting their unborn babies. And sometimes when they refuse, they are abused or killed.

Studies of victims of sex trafficking indicate they often are pressured or forced to abort their unborn babies so they can continue working.

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Several studies also have linked domestic violence to abortion. In these cases, some women were forced or pressured by partners into having abortions, while others believed having an abortion would help them escape abuse. A 2011 study in “Obstetrician and Gynaecologist” found that almost 40 percent of the women seeking abortions had a history of physical abuse and relationship issues.

As LifeNews previously reported, another study found that as many as 64 percent of post-abortive women say they felt pressured to have an abortion.

Here are other reports LifeNews has covered in recent years:

Texas – Man Jailed for Life After Killing His Pregnant Girlfriend Because She Wouldn’t Abort Their Baby

California – Man Forced His Girlfriend at Gunpoint at Take Drugs to Kill Her Baby in Abortion

Wisconsin – Man Allegedly Slipped Abortion Drugs into Pregnant Girlfriend’s Drink

England – Man Tries to Force Girlfriend to Abort Their Disabled Baby: “It Would be Cruel to Have a Baby Like That”

Indiana – Teen Kills Pregnant Girlfriend After She Waited Too Long to Get Abortion: “I Took Action, I Took Her Life”

Tennessee – Man Kills Girlfriend and 4-Month Old Baby, She Refused to Abort So He Could Escape Child Support

New York – Attacker Kills Woman 5 Months Pregnant, New York’s New Abortion Law Says Her Baby Isn’t a Human Being

Utah – Man Reportedly Killed His Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend Because She Refused to Have Abortion

Virginia – Doctor Convicted of Spiking Pregnant Girlfriend’s Drink with Abortion Drugs

Hawaii – Man Stabs His Girlfriend More Than Two Dozen Times Because She Refused an Abortion

California – Man Hired Hitman to Kill His Girlfriend and Unborn Son Because She Refused Abortion

Florida – Man Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Tricking Pregnant Girlfriend into Taking Abortion Drugs

Norway – Man Convicted of Killing Unborn Baby after Slipping Abortion Drugs into Girlfriend’s Drink

Indiana – Man Charged with Attempted Feticide for Allegedly Spiking Girlfriend’s Drink with Abortion Herbs

New York – Man Convicted of Attempted Murder after Secretly Giving Girlfriend Abortion Drugs

Pennsylvania – Abortion Doc Allegedly Tried to Force His Girlfriend to Abort Their Baby, Then Beat Her When She Refused

Colorado – Man Uses a Skewer to Force His Girlfriend to Abort After She Refuses Demand to Have an Abortion

Indiana – Man Tries to Force Pregnant Girlfriend to Have Abortion By Poisoning Her Drink

England – Man Jailed for Tying Up His Girlfriend, Forcing Abortion Drugs Into Her Vagina