As the head of the biotech company that buys aborted babies and aborted baby body parts from Planned Parenthood, StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer has been the subject of considerably national scrutiny.
A new video released today shows Dyer laughing about how StemExpress purchases fully intact aborted babies from Planned Parenthood. She laughs about how shippers of the aborted babies would give a warning to lab workers to expect such a baby.
The new video is approximately 10 minutes in language, but a full-length version exists and the conservative Washington Free Beacon has obtained a copy of it. One of the things it discovered in the full-length version is that Dyer has endorsed pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
As the Free Beacon reports about Dyer and what she told the undercover pro-life investigators about Hillary:
Dyer is also a die-hard supporter of Hillary Clinton, who in 2015 is the largest recipient of Planned Parenthood employee contributions in the presidential field. She keeps an autographed photo of the Democratic frontrunner on her desk.
“I have a signed picture from Hillary because my sister works in Congress,” she said. “I’m a huge Hillary fan … she’s getting elected this time. It’s a done deal as far as I’m concerned.”
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Since the first shocking videos in the series appeared, Hillary Clinton has steadfastly defended Planned Parenthood.
After four shocking videos that caught Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies, Clinton came to a conclusion about the abortion businesses’ horrific practice. In a tweet on twitter, Clinton said she is “proud to stand with Planned Parenthood.”
Then, Clinton defended the Planned Parenthood abortion business after a shocking new expose’ video caught Planned Parenthood’s top doctor describing how the abortion business sells the body parts of aborted babies.
Instead of condemning the practice of selling aborted baby body parts, Clinton rose to the defense of the beleaguered abortion corporation, saying Planned Parenthood offers “important services.”
“I don’t have all the facts but Planned Parenthood has apologized for the insensitivity of the employee who was taped and they will continue to answer questions for congress and others, but for more than a century planned parenthood has provided essential services for women,” Clinton said. “Not just reproductive health services, including access to affordable family planning, but cancer screenings, for example and other health checkup.”
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Clinton the went on to attack the pro-life advocates who conducted the undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood officials selling the body parts of aborted babies.
“I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood had been the object of such a concerted attacks for so many years and it’s really an attack against women’s rights to choose, to make the most personal, difficult decisions that any women would face based on her faith and her medical advice that she is given. So I am hoping that this situation will not further undermine the very important services that Planned Parenthood provides,” she concluded.
Later, Clinton came out with a video announcing her opposition to the legislation (S. 1881) before the U.S. Senate that would have completely defund Planned Parenthood.