Michael Moore Ad Has Seniors Cussing, Threatening Romney

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Oct 30, 2012   |   11:56AM   |   Washington, DC

In a disgusting, exploitive attack on America’s seniors, a new ad produced by liberal activist Michael Moore and the pro-abortion left-wing group MoveOn shows seniors cussing out presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The ad, designed to turn out the vote for President Barack Obama, has older voters using sexual profanity and threatening violence against the former governor.

“If your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this mother f—– down,” the seniors say. “I’m going to track down Mitt Romney and give him the world’s biggest c— punch.”

One of the speakers in the video talks about watching people have sex.

The video is billed as a message from “America’s Greatest Generation” and a promotional from MoveOn for it reads: “They’re our grandmothers and grandfathers, great-aunts and uncles, beloved counselors, kindly neighbors. They are the Greatest Generation. And, this election season, they’ve got some knowledge to drop.”

This new liberal ad follows one that exploits children by having them sing that Romney wants sick people to die.