Carhart Should Prompt States to Ban Late-Term Abortions

Opinion   |   Kristan Hawkins   |   Dec 9, 2010   |   1:30PM   |   Washington, DC

With all the news this week with LeRoy Carhart’s first days as a late-term abortionist in Maryland, I just wanted to reflect on importance of each life, born and preborn.

On Monday, I joined over 500 people in Germantown, Maryland to protest LeRoy Carhart’s first day at his new abortion facility.

After the press conference, I was sent an email from one of our supporters which included Carhart’s 1997 testimony about his  late-term abortion “procedures.” In the testimony, Carhart callously describes, detail by detail, of how he tears “unwanted” babies apart limb by limb while they are still alive in the womb. In the bone-chilling testimony, Carhart even admits that often the babies are still alive during the abortion because then he can see and hear the heartbeat through the ultrasound during the procedure.

How can a human being do this to a fellow human being?  It is truly barbaric. How someone can tear body parts off a viable, pre-born baby while they are still alive is beyond reasoning for me.

As a nation, how can we claim that we are highly “developed” and civilized when we tolerate these inhumane and disgusting practices? Why is it not in the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Why isn’t there an International Criminal Tribunal to prosecute abortionists?  Why does the United States Supreme Court and Congress stand idly by passing on the “problem of abortion” to another day and another class of elected officials?

If we are a nation of justice and do seek social justice for all, I challenge the Maryland Legislature and the new United States Congress to act now. It is essential that we make all late-term abortions illegal in the United States. We have made partial birth abortion illegal, which is one type of late term abortion, but we need to outlaw all types of late-term abortions.  A pre-born baby can start to feel pain as early at 18 weeks, let’s start there.

This Christmas, I pray that all of all pre-born babies to be spared the violence of abortion and for those women contemplating abortions.  I even pray for the conversion of those who perform abortions, including Mr. Carhart.