Congressman Defends Saying Obama the "Enemy of Humanity" Due to Abortion

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Sep 29, 2009   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Congressman Defends Saying Obama the "Enemy of Humanity" Due to Abortion

by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 29
, 2009

Washington, DC ( — Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona has found himself the subject of criticism due to some "frank" comments he made at a recent conservative conference. Over the weekend, Frank said President Barack Obama was the "enemy of humanity" because of his aggressive pro-abortion record.

Franks has issued a statement clarifying and defending those remarks — especially from critics who did not realize he was referring to abortion.

"My recent comment regarding President Obama was specifically related to the President’s policies on abortion. For that reason I should certainly have said ‘unborn’ humanity," he told in a statement.

Franks called Obama a man with "genuine noble impulses" but one who ignored his encouragement at the beginning of his administration not to promote abortion.

The Arizona lawmaker told about his open letter he presented Obama shortly after his inauguration where Franks was "pleading with him as he was sworn in on the Lincoln Bible to consider the plight of the unborn."

Franks said he hoped Obama would "realize, as Lincoln did with slavery, the plight of a forgotten portion of our society even if the Supreme Court has labeled them as less than human, as they did with slaves in the Dred Scott decision."

"But the fact remains yet today that President Obama has quickly established himself and his Presidency as the most radically pro-abortion Administration in American history," Franks said.

"Since his days in the Illinois State legislature, President Obama has established himself who not only passively, but actively, passionately opposed to protecting the innocent unborn," Franks continued.

"He even took to the floor of the State Senate to speak against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act — the only Senator to do so — which would have protected living, breathing, crying babies who were born alive as the result of a botched abortion. President Obama fought against a bill that would have given those children medical care instead of leaving them to die in soiled utility rooms," he said.

The congressman said that, since he took over the White House, Obama has aggressively promoted abortion at every turn.

"Only three days after taking office, he overturned the Mexico City policy in order to allow taxpayer dollars go to fund overseas abortions," Franks recalls.

"He has subsequently continued to surround himself with the staunchly, overtly pro-choice political appointees, including Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, who had deep ties to the infamous late term abortionist George Tiller, and Science Advisor John Holdren, who has written favorably about forced abortions," he said.

"The President has also increased funding for the UNFPA, the UN population agency that supports the Chinese ‘one-child policy’ including forced abortions and forced sterilizations, and the Obama Administration has promoted an unlimited right to abortion at a United Nations meeting," he added.

"Similarly, the president’s health care plan, as it stands, will also include hidden taxpayer subsidies of abortion, the largest federal expansion of abortion-on-demand in America since Roe vs. Wade," he said.

Franks admitted that he should have made himself more clear in his reference to Obama.

But "the facts remain that these radical pro-abortion policies do not have place in a government founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" such as the right to life, he said.

Franks concluded: "Without that right, no others matter."

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