On Roe Anniversary, Pro-Life Advocates Optimistic Despite Pro-Abortion President

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 22, 2009   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

On Roe Anniversary, Pro-Life Advocates Optimistic Despite Pro-Abortion President

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
January 22
, 2009

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — As the nation marks 36 years of nearly unfettered abortions today, pro-life advocates tell LifeNews.com they are optimistic despite having a pro-abortion president in the White House. They know polls show a majority of Americans are pro-life and that state legislatures continue to churn out pro-life laws.

"We mourn the deaths of 50 million unborn babies that were the tragic consequence of these decisions," National Right to Life president Wanda Franz said.

"Sadly, under the Obama Administration, we can expect a radical agenda which would cause this number to increase dramatically," she added.

Despite the grim outlook, Franz says the national pro-life movement is coming together and is recharged and energized more than ever before to take on the expected challenges.

"It is absolutely vital that pro-lifers across the country come together to defeat President Obama’s abortion agenda. The stakes have never been higher, but our resolve and determination to protect unborn children and help their mothers has never been stronger," Franz said.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, the head of the Susan B. Anthony List, says her group is busy working with pro-life members of the Senate to set up potential filibusters to challenge any aspect of the Obama pro-abortion agenda.

"We will leverage key resources in states and on the web to target the Senate and House, working to secure the 41 votes needed in the Senate to filibuster. We must have 41 Senate votes to stop any pro-abortion legislation from getting to Obama’s desk," she said.

"I’ve been meeting with pro-life Members of Congress for the last couple of weeks, and I can tell you that no one is willing to give up the fight to protect unborn children. We all agree — there is too much at stake," she added.

Meanwhile, Congressman Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican, was one of several pro-life advocates to go to the House floor Wednesday night to press the pro-life cause.

He expressed optimism about the future of the pro-life movement despite the setback of having a pro-abortion advocate in the White House.

"It is accurate to say life is losing in Washington, DC — both in our judiciary [and] among a pro-abortion majority in the House and Senate, and now with the election of a pro-abortion president of the United States," he said.

"But let me say with confidence that while life may be losing in Washington, DC, I believe life is winning in America," Pence added. "Despite the best efforts of the pro-abortion movement to defend abortion on demand, more Americans embrace the sanctity of life today than ever before — especially younger Americans."

Other members asked Obama to withdraw his pledge to sign the so-called Freedom of Choice Act, legislation that would overturn virtually all pro-life laws nationwide.

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