New Pro-Life Group Launches Internet Ad Bashing Mitt Romney on Abortion

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 29, 2008   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

New Pro-Life Group Launches Internet Ad Bashing Mitt Romney on Abortion Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 29,

Tallahassee, FL ( — As Florida voters head to the polls today to vote in the Republican presidential primary, a new pro-life group has launched an Internet ad bashing Mitt Romney on abortion. The ad, similar to one the John McCain campaign just released, says Romney can’t be trusted on abortion because he’s flip-flopped on the issue., which bills itself as the pro-life alternative to the pro-abortion group MoveOn, has produced a 60-second web ad responding to Gov. Mitt Romney’s challenge to look to his record as governor as an indication of where he stands on the issues.

During the Florida Republican debate, Romney responded to criticism of his positions and said, "I can point to a very simple way to find out exactly where I stand, and that is look at my record as governor."

Sharon Blakeney, a Texas attorney who is heading up RoeGone, told on Monday, "Governor Mitt Romney challenged voters to look at his record. has done just that."

"As governor, Romney authored and signed a mandatory heath insurance plan backed by Ted Kennedy — including taxpayer-funded abortion on demand," the ad says. "As governor, Romney overruled his own health department and forced Catholic hospitals to distribute the morning after abortion pill." asked the Romney campaign for a response to the McCain ad, which had a similar theme about his abortion views, and spokesman Gary Marx forwarded a statement saying McCain is engaging in last-minute distortions less than 24 hours before Florida voters head to the polls.

"Senator McCain has, once again, launched a last-minute, negative ambush against Governor Romney with web ads, radio ads, flyers — you name it," the Romney campaign said.

"If you ever needed proof that the Washington insider with the wrong record on Republican policies is threatened by the new ideas and strong record of Governor Romney, now you have it," the campaign added.

Blakeney said the RoeGone group is raising money to place the ad on television in Super Tuesday states later this week. The group also plans to produce ads addressing other politicians’ stand on similar issues.

Pro-life advocate Janet Folger, the host of a national talk radio program, wrote in a WorldNetDaily column Tuesday that the ads are welcome.

"’s ad clearly delineates Romney’s record as governor – which is very appropriate since that’s exactly what Gov. Romney said we should do," she said.