Poll Shows Men, Republicans and Even Women Oppose Hillary Clinton

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Nov 8, 2007   |   9:00AM   |   WASHINGTON, DC

Poll Shows Men, Republicans and Even Women Oppose Hillary Clinton Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
November 8,

Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — Pro-life advocates will never support Hillary Clinton for president, but a new poll by USA Today and Gallup shows large numbers of key segments of the population won’t either. Should she capture the Democratic nomination for president, the poll shows she will have significant problems getting enough support to win in November.

The survey shows 84% of Republicans and more than half of married men polled say they would never vote for Clinton for president. Overall 43 percent of all Americans say they won’t support Clinton — higher than any 2008 presidential candidate.

Clinton’s negatives are so high in the survey that 36 percent of women and even 10 percent of Democrats say there’s no chance she will earn their vote.

While pro-abortion rivals Barack Obama and John Edwards have negative ratings of 35 and 30 percent each in the general population as a whole, Clinton’s stands at 45 percent.

That leaves her little margin for error next year and her negatives are so high that it could reversed the lagging enthusiasm among Republicans and cause a backlash that sends her to defeat in 2008.

"People know who she is. There’s not a lot you can tell them that’s going to change their fundamental perception," Gerald Benjamin of the State University of New York at New Paltz told USA Today about the survey.

The negative ratings are affecting how Clinton fares in early primary states. She has been surging to a strong lead over Obama and Edwards, but she may have hit a plateau as her numbers have fallen in recent weeks.

Clinton leads all Democrats in New Hampshire, but her lead is now smaller than in previous Granite State polls. She had leads of as much as 21 percent in three October polls but a new November survey from Rasmussen shows her ahead by only 10 percentage points.