Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr has confirmed once again that he supports abortions up to birth.
He said in a new interview that he would allow women to have abortions at full-term if that was their choice.
As NBC reported, Kennedy confirmed he would not prohibit or limite late-term aboritons — even up to birth:
During an interview with podcaster Sage Steele, the former ESPN host asked Kennedy what the limit should be for women to have an abortion. “Should there be a limit or are you saying all the way up to full-term, a woman has a right to have an abortion?” she said.
Kennedy answered that he doesn’t think anyone would want to do that at eight months of pregnancy, but abortion should be out of the hands of the government and in the hands of women.
Steele continued to push Kennedy, asking if he agrees with the Roe v. Wade standard or with abortion being left up to the states, and Kennedy reiterated that the decision should not lie with the states but with the mother.
“Even if it’s full-term,” Kennedy said in response to a follow-up question. “I don’t think it’s ever okay,” he added. When Steele says that would allow late-term abortions, Kennedy said, “I think we have to leave it to the women rather than the state.”
Although Kennedy may not support late-term aboritons personally, his answer makes it crystal clear that his policial policy would allow late-term abortions with no limits.
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As NBC reproted, his comments surprised his own running mate — who didn’t know his longstanding position supporting abortions up to birth.
The comments appear to come as a surprise to Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy’s running mate. A week prior to the release of Kennedy’s conversation with Steele, Shanahan was featured in a podcast episode with the host. Steele asked Shanahan if she agreed with Kennedy’s belief that a woman should have the option to have an abortion at full-term, to which Shanahan responded with surprise.
“My understanding with Bobby’s position is that, you know, every abortion is a tragedy, is a loss of life,” Shanahan said. “My understanding is that he absolutely believes in limits on abortion, and we’ve talked about this. I do not think, I don’t know where that came from.”
Shanahan should not have been surprised, since Kennedy and his campaign clarified last year that he supports abortions up to birth without limits.