Brazil Congresswoman Starts Prayer Campaign to Stop Legislation to Legalize Abortion

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Jul 20, 2023   |   11:27AM   |   Brasília, Brazil

A pro-life congresswoman in Brazil urged Christians to join her in prayer this month to stop the “very serious threat” of legalized abortion in her country.

Most of South America protects unborn babies’ right to life by banning abortions. However, abortion activists – largely funded by rich Americans – have been filing lawsuits and pressuring lawmakers across the world to legalize the killing of babies in the womb.

In Brazil, Congresswoman Chris Tonietto, a pro-life wife and mother, said the leftist Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) is challenging her country’s abortion ban in a lawsuit before the Federal Supreme Court. If successful, abortion would be decriminalized up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the Catholic News Agency reports.

Tonietto, who is Catholic, began a prayer campaign Monday on Instagram to seek God’s help in fighting for unborn babies’ lives, according to the report.

“As we live at a hectic pace and often our prayer time takes a back seat, I took the initiative to call on the Brazilian people to unite in prayer,” she told ACI Digital, the Portuguese news partner of CNA.

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The threat of legalized abortion is “very serious” in Brazil right now, and Tonietto said “it is of the utmost importance that we get down on our knees on the ground and cry out.”

Now through Aug. 3, the congresswoman plans regular live broadcasts on her Instagram account to pray the rosary “for Brazil and for life,” according to the report. Along with Tonietto, Catholic Bishop Fernando Rifan of Cedamusa, Bishop Adair Jose Guimarães of Formosa and others are slated to participate.

Support for unborn babies’ right to life is strong among Brazilians. A new poll from Pew Research found 70 percent believe abortions should be illegal in all or most cases. In contrast, only 26 percent say abortions should be legal. Other polls also have found widespread public opposition to legalized abortion.

However, protections for unborn babies are under growing threat because of the new Brazilian president, progressive leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Earlier this year, his administration announced plans to withdraw from the Geneva Consensus, a historic pro-life agreement signed by more than 30 countriesaccording to The Brazilian Report.

Meanwhile, pro-abortion groups are spending massive amounts of money to pressure pro-life countries like Brazil to legalize abortion on demand. Their efforts primarily are backed by some of the richest and most powerful people in the world, including Bill GatesGeorge SorosWarren BuffettMichael Bloomberg and former U.S. President Bill and Hillary Clinton.

An estimated 46.2 million unborn babies were aborted in the world in 2020. These babies were unique, living human beings who deserved a right to life, but the number of deaths could grow even higher if countries like Brazil cave to the pressure and legalize abortion on demand.