Abortionists frequently do everything they can to conceal the truth about unborn babies from pregnant women, calling them “fetuses,” “clumps of cells” or even “parasites.”
Last week, a dangerous abortionist named Jennifer Lincoln came up with a new one: She compared a baby in the womb to a bug crawling in someone’s ear, The Blaze reports.
An OB-GYN and abortionist, Lincoln runs a website called Mayday Health that sells abortion pills through the mail, including in states where killing unborn babies is illegal. Lincoln also has bragged about selling abortion pills to women who aren’t even pregnant – defying FDA warnings against the dangerous practice and putting women’s lives at risk.
She frequently touts her radical pro-abortion views on Twitter, while mocking pro-lifers who share the truth and warn about her dangerous practices.
“People who are like ‘but a fetus in you isn’t your body so you can’t control it and have an abortion’” Lincoln wrote last week. “Um excuse me but if a bug crawled in your ear, are you also forced to host it or do you say wtf get this thing out?! Does the same go for bacterial infections?”
When one commenter responded with surprise that a medical doctor would actually think “a human and a bug are equal and a logical comparison,” Lincoln did not make any attempt to explain her reasoning. Instead, she attacked pro-lifers for believing it’s wrong to kill a child in the womb.
“A real, live doctor thinks it’s disgusting people think they can force a person to remain pregnant. That’s terrible enough. That y’all are mad at my analogy but not forced birth is the tell,” she wrote.
But her analogy fails for a number of reasons. First, babies in the womb are human beings, not bugs. And, second, the unborn baby came into existence through no action or fault of its own. In almost all abortion cases, the unborn baby was created because of a choice that the mother and father made to have sex, knowing that their action could create a child who is dependent on them for survival.
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Others also pointed out errors in Lincoln’s thinking, including Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon and Live Action.
“A fetus is a human being with human rights. A bug is not a human being and does not have human rights. Yes, the same goes for the non-human bacterial infection,” Live Action responded on Twitter.
Dillon questioned the extent of Lincoln’s argument, wondering if she also believes it’s ok to kill a born child if they are a “nuisance.”
“And once a child is born he’s like a bug that got in through a window. You should be able to kill him for invading your home and being a nuisance, right?” Dillon asked.
Unlike with a bug or a parasite, pregnancy is a natural and healthy occurrence and the womb is the essential, intended place for an unborn baby to live and grow until they become developed enough to survive on their own.
These are basic biological realities, ones that any OB-GYN should know. Medical textbooks about embryology and human biology make it clear that a unique, living human being comes into existence at the moment of conception and that early human life depends on the mother to grow.
It’s why most medical doctors refuse to abort unborn babies. Unlike Lincoln, they understand that both mother and child are valuable patients who deserve care.