Dr. Ben Carson Confirms “Life Begins at the Moment of Conception”

National   |   Steven Ertelt   |   May 10, 2023   |   10:25AM   |   Washington, DC

Dr. Ben Carson is a retired neurosurgeon. At the age of 33 he became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and, at that time, he was the youngest chief of pediatric neurosurgery in the United States.

At retirement, he was professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

Among his many accolades, Dr. Carson participated in the first reported separation of conjoined twins joined at the back of the head. And he performed the first successful neurosurgical procedure on a developing unborn baby. He also developed new methods to treat brain-stem tumors, and revitalized hemispherectomy techniques for controlling seizures. Over time, Carson wrote over 100 neurosurgical publications.

So when it comes to the development of human life, Dr. Ben Carson knows what he’s talking about. And in a new email to supporters, Carson confirms that unborn babies are human beings because “life begins at the moment of conception.”

“I feel like our culture has forgotten—or ignored—some very important and basic lessons when it comes to the development of human life,” Carson says. “Our society has been infected by an anti-life ideology, treating its most vulnerable members as disposable objects. Abortion that was once thought of as a last resort in a medical emergency has become the new normal.”

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“Medicine tells us that life begins at the moment of conception. It also tells us when an unborn baby develops a heartbeat, brainwaves, and nervous system. Yet, despite all of this, the unborn are not treated as though they are alive or even human,” Carson continues.

“As a surgeon, I have operated on infants pre-birth. I can assure you that they are very much alive,” Carson confirms.

The doctor added, “Life is a precious gift that has been given to us from our creator. No person is disposable, and every life is precious according to Him.”

“I believe that everyone deserves life, even those who have been denied this right by our society. I believe that together we can make a difference and bring dignity and a voice to the unborn. I also believe that I’m not alone in this belief,” Carson concluded.

Carson is right. Medical textbooks over the years have confirmed that unborn children are human beings whose lives begin at conception.