Chris Rock Admits Abortion is “Killing a Baby”

National   |   Steven Ertelt, Micaiah Bilger   |   Mar 6, 2023   |   7:46PM   |   Washington, DC

Chris Rock is not pro-life. But the comedian at least has enough intellectual honesty to admit the truth that abortion is “killing a baby.”

Rock is no stranger to using the controversial subject of abortion as a basis for comedy – potentially offending both pro-life and pro-abortion audience members.

In his most recent special for Netflix, “Chris Rock: Selective Outrage,” Rock admitted that abortion ends the life of a little human being before birth. He even likened an abortion to hiring a hitman, something Pope Francis has said repeatedly.

“There’s a part of me that’s pro-life,” he said, before using humor to remind the audience that abortion “is killing a baby.”

“I believe women should have the right to kill babies,” Rock said. “That’s right, I’m on your side. I believe you should have the right to kill as many babies as you want. Kill them all, I don’t give a [expletive]. But let’s not get it twisted, it is killing a baby.”

“Whenever I pay for an abortion, I request a dead baby,” Rock said. “Sometimes I call up a doctor like a hitman: ‘Is it done?’”

But pro-life Americans shouldn’t look for Chris Rock to become a pro-life spokesman. The comedian admitted his supports abortion because of his daughters, never mind that they wouldn’t be here had they been aborted and that abortion permanently denies bodily control to little boys and girls.

Rock reassured the audience that “I am absolutely pro-choice” because “I want my daughters to live in a world where they have complete control of their bodies.”

He then showed in no uncertain terms that abortion means taking the life of a human being.

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“I think women should have the right to kill a baby until he’s 4 years old,” Rock said. “I think you should be able to kill a baby until you get that first report card.”

Rock used pro-life themes in a comedic skit later year that received notice. He began by poking fun at the idea of a “safe abortion,” telling his audience, “A safe abortion is an abortion where only one person dies, I guess?”

He also told the audience that he is “pro better choice,” not pro-choice.

Later, Rock added: “Ladies, if you have to pay for your own abortion, get an abortion. Leave these minimum wage d—s alone.”

The abortion jokes were the only part of Rock’s routine that his audience apparently didn’t like; at another point, he yelled “F— Trump” without any negative feedback, according to the magazine.

Although Rock’s comments were in jest and he probably is not pro-life, he highlighted an undeniable truth: The purpose of an abortion is to kill a person.

Biologically, it is clear that a unique, living human being, distinct from his/her mother, comes into existence at the moment of conception. An abortion intentionally kills that human being – an irreplaceable individual child – making it the opposite of “safe.”

Abortion is the number one killer of human life in the United States, but it is not recognized as such. Nearly 1 million unborn babies are killed in abortions every year, and, in the past 50 years, more than 63 million unborn babies have been aborted.

Growing research indicates that abortions are not safe for mothers either. A new study by a University of Oxford researcher found that legalizing abortion does not save women’s lives. Instead, according to the study, “… abortion legalisation has resulted in a vast increase in the number of abortions, without any appreciable decrease in abortion mortality or maternal mortality.”

In other words, legalizing abortions led to more people dying. In contrast, pro-life countries, including Poland and Chile, protect unborn babies by banning abortions while maintaining some of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world, the study found.

Rock got it right, and his joke was not funny, as his audience seemed to realize. But even less funny is the fact that too many Americans cringed at it — not because they do not believe the truth but because they would rather not be reminded of the evil that they support.