Maryland now has two late-term abortion businesses that kill viable, fully-formed unborn babies.
Partners in Abortion Care recently opened in College Park, advertising abortions into the third trimester. The owners are Dr. Diane Horvath and Morgan Nuzzo, a certified nurse-midwife, both of whom have been doing abortions for years.
Our Sunday Visitor contributing editor Katie Yoder drew attention to the news on Twitter, posting a screenshot of the website.
“An *all-trimester* abortion clinic is now open in College Park, Maryland — it’s a 7-minute walk from the University of Maryland,” Yoder wrote. “This drop-down menu of their ‘services’ is heartbreaking.”
These “services” include aborting unborn babies past 26 weeks of pregnancy, meaning viable, fully-formed babies who have functioning hearts and brains, their own unique fingerprints and more.
“Partners in Abortion Care is the only women-owned and operated abortion clinic providing abortions in all trimesters,” the website states proudly.
However, the website includes almost no information about the abortion procedures themselves, the risks, or options and resources available to pregnant mothers.
Oddly, Yoder discovered the abortion facility also is selling a pet calendar that appears to be photos of the abortion staffers’ pet cats.
News about the new late-term abortion business broke last summer before it opened. Its owners told NPR at the time that they planned to open in September. However, it appears to have opened in October instead.
Maryland also is home to late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart.
Only a few abortion facilities in the U.S. abort viable, late-term unborn babies, and the new Maryland abortion business owners said they hope to attract pregnant women from southern states where abortions are restricted or illegal, according to NPR.
Horvath’s comments suggest she will abort late-term unborn babies for any reason – including healthy unborn babies with healthy mothers. Last year, she told NPR that third-trimester abortions are a “really politicized topic” but they “shouldn’t be.”
“Every time we draw a line and we say ‘no more abortions after this point,’ someone’s going to fall on the other side of that line, and they’re going to be harmed,” Horvath said.
A few years ago, Horvath also said there’s nothing wrong with a woman having 12 abortions if she wants to.
Nuzzo and Horvath claim to want to help women, but their abortion practice is a business – and a lucrative one at that. Last year, they organized a fundraiser to open their abortion business, but the fundraising website made it sound like a non-profit dedicated to helping pregnant women in need; only after scrolling down through updates does the word “business” get mentioned. That fundraiser raised at least $370,000.
Despite the huge influx of cash, the two bought second-hand equipment instead of new. They told the news outlet that they bought the equipment from a Georgia abortion facility that closed in June after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Polls consistently show that the vast majority of Americans oppose abortions in the third trimester, and growing evidence shows that many late-term abortions are done for elective reasons on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies. Late-term abortions also are more dangerous for the mother, and they sometimes die along with their unborn babies.
Abortion activists often downplay late-term abortions, describing them as rare and claiming they only occur when there are serious medical problems with the mother or baby. However, the claims are falling apart as more studies, abortion workers and women admit the truth.
Recent articles the Associated Press and New York Magazine have featured stories about women getting elective late-term abortions at 26 weeks and 28 weeks, respectively; both mothers were healthy and carrying healthy babies.
Late-term abortionist Martin Haskell, who is credited with inventing the partial-birth abortion procedure, said in a 1993 interview with American Medical News: “I’ll be quite frank: most of my abortions are elective in that 20-24 week range…. In my particular case, probably 20 percent are for genetic reasons. And the other 80 percent are purely elective.”
Ron Fitzsimmons, the former executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, made a startling admission about late-term abortions as well in 1997. He told the New York Times that he had lied to U.S. Congress when he said late-term abortions are rare. Fitzsimmons said late-term abortions are more common than abortion activists admit, and many are on healthy mothers carrying healthy unborn babies.
Then, in 2013, Diana Greene Foster, a well-known pro-abortion researcher at the University of California San Francisco, wrote similarly that “data suggest that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment. Indeed, we know very little about women who seek later abortions.”
Last year, a study by ANSIRH, a pro-abortion research group at the University of California, similarly confirmed that women have third-trimester abortions for elective reasons.
“The reasons people need third-trimester abortions are not so different from why people need abortions before the third trimester…” the researchers wrote. “[T]he circumstances that lead to someone needing a third-trimester abortion have overlaps with the pathways to abortion at other gestations.”
By the third trimester, unborn babies are basically fully formed and capable of surviving outside the womb. They have heartbeats and brain waves, unique finger prints and the capability to feel pain. By this stage, many believe unborn babies can recognize their mother’s voice, dream and remember things like nursery rhymes.