Senator Mike Lee and Congressman Chris Smith are calling on the DOJ and FBI to investigate the deaths of the five full-term aborted babies who may have been killed in infanticide or partial-birth abortions. They released a letter today asking the agencies to look into a late-term abortion facility in Washington D.C. and the deaths of five babies whose aborted bodies have shocked the nation.
As LifeNews has reported, shocking images of five babies killed in late-term abortions were released that showed the brutal reality what happens to unborn children who are killed in legal late-term abortions in America.
The Daily Wire obtained the letter from the pro-life Republicans on Friday, which cites the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 and notes that such aboritons are a violation of federal law.
“We are gravely concerned by allegations brought forward that suggest a preborn baby underwent a partial birth abortion at the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, D.C.,”they wrote, according to the Daily Wire. “We demand that you conduct a comprehensive investigation on the circumstances surrounding the deaths of each preborn baby.”
So far, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and district officials have refused to conduct an autopsy on the babies nor conduct an extensive investigation into their deaths. Here’s more from the letter:
“In one picture, a preborn baby girl is believed to be a victim of partial-birth abortion,” the Republicans said. “Dr. Kendra Kolb, a neonatologist, estimates that this baby girl is ‘somewhere between 28-30 weeks gestational age, with evidence of deep lacerations to the posterior neck which presumably correlates to the method of abortion used to end her life.’”
“We question whether such a conclusion can be reasonably reached regarding the cause of death for each preborn baby until an official autopsy is performed,” they said.
“We formally request that you direct the appropriate personnel at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate whether these preborn babies were aborted in violation of federal law, specifically the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003,” Smith and Lee said. “We also request the Department of Justice ensure the preservation of each of these bodies as evidence for future investigations.”
Pro-life advocates with the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) said they found the bodies of five late-term aborted babies in March in boxes they received from a truck driver who was collecting medical waste from a late-term abortion facility in Washington, D.C.
PAAU leader Lauren Handy said the babies appeared to be “so advanced in their gestational age and the patterns in their wounds suggest violent federal crimes.” Pro-life and Republican leaders are urging both city and federal authorities to investigate whether the babies were illegally killed in violation of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban or the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.
D.C. law enforcement officials currently have custody of the bodies of the babies.
Pro-life leader Lila Rose criticized Washington, D.C. officials Thursday for refusing to investigate whether five late-term aborted babies were victims of infanticide or illegal partial-birth abortions.
“This is the American horror story that no one wants to talk about, but it is our children, our most vulnerable, and they deserve love and protection,” Rose told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
Washington, D.C. allows unborn babies to be aborted for basically any reason up to birth, and Washington Surgi Center advertises abortions at “27 plus weeks of pregnancy,” which is long past the point when babies are viable outside the womb.
Years ago in an undercover investigation by Live Action, Washington Surgi Center abortionist Cesare Santangelo admitted that he “probably wouldn’t” help a baby who survives an abortion even though “legally we would be obligated to help.” He later backtracked on that statement in an interview with the Washington Post.
Calls for an investigation are growing. Earlier this week, more than two dozen Republican lawmakers urged the Department of Justice to investigate; however, some expressed doubts that the department will do anything, pointing out that pro-abortion Democrat officials with the Biden administration lead the agency.
Pro-life leaders named the babies Ángel, Holly, Phoenix, Harriet and Christopher X. They said they also named the 110 first-trimester aborted babies who they found in the boxes and gave them a funeral Mass and burial.
“We cannot build a better world on a pile of murdered children,” PAAU founder Terrisa Bukovinac said. “That’s not progress. Real progress is protecting the vulnerable from exploitation from people like Santangelo who are the true villains here. True progressives must stand up against this injustice.”
Two doctors who have examined the photos of the babies agree and say they think its possible the babies were killed in infanticides.
Dr. Robin Pierucci, a neonatal specialist, said in response to viewing the photos, “I can say with confidence that these babies died at an age when they were viable, premature people.”
Dr. Kathi Aultman, retired board-certified OBGYN and former abortionist, reviewed photos and video of the abortion victims and observed the following: “Baby Boy #1 appears to be in the 3rd trimester near term and looks like he should have been in the nursery. He is totally intact, but his skin is somewhat macerated. He appears to be completely normal and was probably aborted using the induction method, which uses medication to induce labor. He looks about the same size as my granddaughter when she was born.”
Dr. Aultman continued, “Baby Girl #1 appears to be in the late 2nd or early 3rd trimester. She appears intact and completely normal except for trauma to the neck. There appears to be an incision at the base of the skull, and the head has been decompressed. If the baby was alive at the start of this procedure, it would be considered a Partial-Birth Abortion and would be illegal. She is larger than most of the babies I cared for in the NICU, and if the abortion hadn’t killed her, she would have had a decent chance of survival at this gestational age and size.”
Additional photos and video footage show what is considered a well-developed baby in the fetal position and encased by his or her amniotic sac.
Dr. Aultman comments, “It is difficult to discern the gestational age, but this baby is probably in the late 2nd or early 3rd trimester. An induction method would have been used for the abortion. Unless this baby was injected with a drug designed to kill prior to the abortion, he or she may very well have been born alive and then left to die. Without rupturing the amniotic sac, it would not have been possible to cut the cord to cause fetal death before the abortion.”
Lila Rose, who heads the pro-life group LiveAction, told LifeNews that the images indicate potential criminal activity.
“The infant bodies discovered by pro-life activists in Washington, D.C. are horrific and disturbing evidence of the infanticide that may be occurring inside an abortion facility within our nation’s capital, and are indicative of the violence happening in abortion facilities nationwide,” Rose said.
Her group is demanding that D.C. police complete an in-depth investigation into the Washington Surgi-Clinic and the deaths of these five children and calling on Congress to conduct a thorough inquiry to ensure this clinic is not violating the federal Born Alive Infant Protection Act and the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.
“How did these babies die? What will happen to their bodies?” Rose continued, “Each of these lives deserves dignity and respect. The public should demand justice and reach out to their legislators to do so on behalf of these babies. Our nation is wounded from this horror, but we will never heal until we confront this grave inhumanity head-on and insist it ends.”
ACTION ALERT: Contact Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser online or by phone at (202) 727-2643.