Today Susan B. Anthony List’s Candidate Fund PAC announced its endorsement of Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R) for U.S. Senate, representing Missouri.
“We are proud to endorse our dear friend and unwavering pro-life champion Vicky Hartzler for U.S. Senate,” said Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, SBA List’s vice president of government affairs. “Vicky Hartzler is Planned Parenthood’s worst nightmare. She has fought tooth and nail against the Pelosi-abortion lobby agenda in the House, and now she’s ready to take the fight for unborn children and mothers to the U.S. Senate.
“At a time when the Supreme Court could finally return the life issue to the people and their elected representatives, strong pro-life women leaders like Vicky effectively counter the lie that women need abortion to succeed. She has tirelessly called upon the Court to let lawmakers do their job and act on the will of Americans who overwhelmingly support abortion limits. Throughout her time in Congress she has worked to investigate and defund the abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood and vocally opposed radical Democrats’ agenda of abortion on demand through birth, paid for by taxpayers. Her steadfast leadership as chair of the House Values Action Team has been invaluable. In this critical election year, we’re excited to win a pro-life Senate majority with Vicky Hartzler representing the pro-life values of Missouri.”
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Hartzler has represented Missouri’s 4th District since 2011 and is chair of the House Values Action Team, working to promote faith, protect life, and preserve freedom. She served on the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry’s role in the harvest and sale of baby body parts, and has worked to expose Planned Parenthood’s systematic failure to report suspected human trafficking and sexual exploitation. She has spoken out on the House floor against pro-abortion Pelosi Democrats’ push to enshrine a “right” to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand in the U.S. Constitution and block federal and state pro-life laws. She signed a congressional amicus brief in the Dobbs case urging the Supreme Court to uphold Mississippi’s 15-week abortion limit and spoke to pro-life supporters outside the Court on the day of oral arguments.
Hartzler introduced the Defund Planned Parenthood Act and is a co-sponsor of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She has an A+ on SBA List’s National Pro-Life Scorecard and is leading the fight in the House to make the Hyde Amendment permanent.
Prior to serving in Congress, Hartzler was a public school teacher, farmer, and small business owner. She lives in Harrisonville with her husband and daughter.