I get it—pro-abortion sites exist to “normalize” abortion, to make it nothing more than a “rite of passage” for women. But when “mainstream” publications, such as the Washington Post, print their most egregious assertions without qualm, you know they have descended into mere shills for the abortion lobby.
Take Michelle Boorstein’s “The threat to Roe v. Wade is driving a religious movement for reproductive choice”
The subhead to the story which appeared this weekend in the Washington Post reads
“Americans who see a religious case for abortion access try to shift the narrative.”
“Shift the narrative” and how!
The lead to her account is the story of Rev. Kaeley McEvoy. When she began at Westmoreland Congregational in 2018, she didn’t know if she should tell her congregation that she’d recently had an abortion. She knows her congregation was “liberal,” but not to worry.
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McEvoy was already a reproductive rights advocate, and to her the experience wasn’t in conflict with her faith. When the pastor and her then-boyfriend learned in 2016 that she was pregnant, the first place they went was to a cathedral, to pray — and to call doctors’ offices in search of one to do the abortion. Other visitors to the cathedral happened to try to enter the small chapel where McEvoy was on the phone, but her boyfriend turned them away, she remembers, saying “something holy is happening here.”
That’s some inversion. Praying in her church at the same time she is seeking a handy-dandy abortionist is “something holy.” And this “holy” experience didn’t stop in 2018.
In November, McEvoy, a 29-year-old with a melodic preaching cadence, took the high, white pulpit at Westmoreland and said she had “never felt more known and heard and loved by God than when I entered the doors of a Planned Parenthood.” Then last month she addressed a group of Christian abortion access activists meeting in a D.C. church: “Something holy is happening here, friends.”
It’s a lengthy story but the gist is with two abortion cases before the Supreme Court, “liberal” people of faith need to be on the move.
Pro-abortion law Professor Mary Ziegler confides to Boorstein
“Even for ministers who say: ‘I don’t support abortions, but I can’t condemn people for having them.’ Those people are feeling the need to speak up more because things are coming to a head,” Ziegler said. “It’s easy for a lot of people to talk about what you should do when it’s not illegal. Now states can really punish people. I think for people of faith, ethical and religious arguments will be really central to that. Criminal law is intersecting with questions of morality and faith.”
In a sense this is returning to their “roots,” according to Boorstein.
Many of the new public perspectives in favor of abortion rights are simply giving new voice to old teachings and beliefs that went underground in recent decades as the religious right won the public narrative war. For many, abortion became a black and white issue and the topic was cloaked in shame.
And the new pro-abortion voice and the old pro-abortion voice sing out of the same hymnal: Abortion discussion should be more “nuanced.” It’s “theologically wrong to uniformly choose a fetus over a woman.”
At a gathering of activists at the end of January, we’re told that “Like SACRED’s [the name of the gathering] curriculum about the biblical story of creation in Genesis as a process with steps — not a light switch moment as to when ‘life’ begins.”
Finally, the big takeaway is that “[Religious advocates for abortion rights] have given up the public square, letting the dominant narrative be based on some readings of Bible verses. And that doesn’t represent real people, real lives, real faith,” said The Rev. Angela Williams, a Presbyterian USA pastor and lead organizer of SACRED.
In some ways, the most important conclusion that Williams wants us to accept is that “a few years ago she considered herself ‘pro-choice’ but was taken aback by people in her seminary who said they were ‘pro-abortion.’”
No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Abortion is “holy” and “pro-choice” is a cop-out. Indeed, the Rev. McEvoy “never felt more known and heard and loved by God than when I entered the doors of a Planned Parenthood.”
What is God’s thinking when one of his creations is “lovingly” torn apart?
Talk about taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Pray for them.
LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.