Democratic Party leaders have made their party the party of abortion on demand.
Killing unborn babies for any reason up to birth. Opposing protections for newborns who survive abortions. Forcing taxpayers to fund the abortion industry. Rejecting abortion clinic regulations that keep women safe.
These are the new positions of a party that claims to care for the most vulnerable, and pro-life Democrats are leaving – or being kicked out – in huge numbers.
As the Catholic News Agency reports, just 10 years ago, 64 Democrats in Congress voted pro-life on a health care reform bill that would have expanded abortion funding.
Now, they all are but extinct. In January, U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, an eight-term Democrat with a long pro-life record, will end his final term in the U.S. House. His replacement is a radical pro-abortion activist who supports late-term, taxpayer-funded abortions.
Only U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar and Sens. Joe Manchin and Bob Casey remain, and their voting records are only somewhat pro-life. All of them, for example, have voted to continue giving taxpayer funding to the nation’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood, and they face increasing pressure from their party to support the killing of unborn babies in abortions.
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CNA’s Matt Hadro described the party shift to “a pro-abortion absolutist Democratic Party leadership.” His report noted how Democrat leaders are pushing to end the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions through Medicaid. They also blocked the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, legislation that would protect babies after birth, and another bill to protect pain-capable, late-term unborn babies from abortions.
Over the past year, the Democrat presidential candidates’ positions on the issue also showed how radical the party has become. Several admitted that they do not want any limits on abortions up to birth, and a few even publicly refused to welcome pro-lifers into the party.
Even Joe Biden, who once was considered a moderate on the issue, abandoned any moderation when he decided to support taxpayer-funded abortions last year – despite consistent polling showing that most Americans oppose it. Biden does not support any limits on killing unborn babies in abortions. He even called abortions an “essential medical service” – as if slaughtering a unique, irreplaceable human child inside his/her mother’s womb is something good.
Voters have been leaving the Democratic Party because of its extreme stance on abortion. Most Americans, religious or not, disagree with its platform, which supports unrestricted abortions and demands that taxpayers pay for them.
A 2019 poll by Marist University found a startling, double-digit shift in the number of Democrats who identify as pro-life. The poll came right after Democrat political leaders defended infanticide and abortions up to birth.
Polls show strong opposition to taxpayer-funded abortions as well. A 2016 Harvard University poll found that only 36% of likely voters support overturning the Hyde Amendment and forcing Americans to fund abortions. A 2019 poll by Marist University found similarly strong opposition.
It has been nearly 50 years since the U.S. Supreme Court forced states to legalize abortions, and more than 62 million unborn babies are dead from abortions. America does not need more abortions, and Americans do not want more. But the abortion industry does, and Democrat leaders receive massive political donations from abortion advocacy groups each year.