Christian Web Site Calls Biden’s Catholicism “Life-Sustaining,” But He Supports Abortion

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Nov 10, 2020   |   11:15AM   |   Washington, DC

Catholic news outlet The Tablet downplayed Joe Biden’s radical pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom beliefs in an article Tuesday.

Author Diarmuid Pepper waved off concerns about Biden wanting to expand the killing of unborn babies in abortions and force taxpayers to fund them, and called the Democrat presidential candidate a “refreshing, life-sustaining” Catholic.

“Biden may not be a perfect Catholic, but who among us is?” Pepper wrote.

He argued that too much has been made of Biden’s support for abortion on demand. He even claimed that Biden does believe what the Catholic Church teaches about the sanctity of human life, writing:

Biden’s views on when life begins align with the Church. In a 2015 article with the Jesuit magazine America, Biden said: “I’m prepared to accept that the moment of conception is a human life convened.”

However, he also said: “I’m not prepared to impose a precise view that is borne out of my faith on other people.” In an older interview from 2005, he said he “had to prove that he wasn’t ruled by his beliefs” and he was “with John F Kennedy on the role religion ought to play in politics”.

But it is not true. Biden would force American Catholics and other pro-lifers to pay for the killing of unborn babies in abortions against their will. Biden also said he would reverse President Donald Trump’s religious freedom policies that protect Catholic charities from being forced to pay for contraception that may cause abortions in their employee health plans.

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Pepper did not mention any of this. Instead, he blasted President Donald Trump and his administration for being at “constant odds with the teachings of Pope Francis,” including its policies on immigration, police violence and the coronavirus.

“How refreshing it will be to have a POTUS in Joe Biden who says his ‘idea of self, of family, of community, of the wider world comes straight from my religion,’” Pepper argued.

The problem with Pepper’s and so many others’ arguments for Biden is that they never address how someone can claim to be of a certain faith but their actions, not their words, are what determine what they truly believe.

Biden claims to be Catholic, but many of his policies – not just on abortion – contradict the teachings of the Catholic Church and would oppress Catholic Americans who do follow their faith.

Biden said he wants to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law and appoint Supreme Court justices who will support abortion on demand. He also said he would fight to end the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions – which could lead to 60,000 more unborn babies’ deaths to abortion each year.

In April, Biden went so far as to call the killing of unborn babies an “essential medical service” during the coronavirus pandemic – an indication that he may no longer believe that life begins at conception, as he claimed in 2015.

His health care plan would expand abortions as well. It would force insurance companies to cover abortions as “essential” health care under Obamacare.

He also promised to undo all of Trump’s progress for life, including defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion chain through his Mexico City and Title X policies.

On religious freedom, Biden’s position also is deeply troubling. Biden has endorsed policies that would force nuns, religious charities and hospitals to violate their deeply-held beliefs by funding the killing of unborn babies in abortions and potentially even by helping to facilitate their deaths.

Among them, he and his running mate Kamala Harris oppose a religious exemption from the Obamacare contraception mandate for the Little Sisters of the Poor, a nuns’ charity that serves the poor and elderly. The U.S. Supreme Court recently granted the Little Sisters relief from the Obama-era mandate, which would have forced them to fund contraception, including forms that may cause abortions, in their employee health plans.

And the list goes on.

Biden’s positions are not Catholic or “life-sustaining.” They are anti-Catholic and life-destroying. As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Or, as the Bible more clearly puts it, faith without works is dead.