Congressman Slams Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “RIP to 30 Million Innocent Babies”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Sep 21, 2020   |   12:22PM   |   Washington, DC

A Georgia congressman mourned Friday for the millions of unborn babies who have been killed in abortions after the news broke about U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death.

WJCL News 22 reports U.S. Rep. Doug Collins linked Ginsburg, a staunch defender of abortion, to the deaths of more than 30 million unborn babes.

“RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws,” Collins wrote. “With @realDonaldTrump nominating a replacement that values human life, generations of unborn children have a chance to live.”

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Ginsburg served on the high court from 1993 to 2020. In those 27 years, she repeatedly ruled in favor of Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand.

Collins’s estimate of 30 million abortions within that time period is fair. In the 1990s, there were about 1.3 million abortions every year. Abortion numbers have been declining steadily since then, and the Guttmacher Institute reported 862,320 abortions in 2017, the latest numbers available.

The U.S. Supreme Court is one of the biggest influences on abortion. In 1973, its Roe v. Wade decision forced states to legalize abortion on demand, and, though many states have tried to overturn the ruling and protect unborn babies’ lives, the high court repeatedly has stopped them from doing so.

Collins urged the U.S. Senate to fill Ginsburg’s seat quickly with a judge who will overturn Roe v. Wade, according to the report.

“For me it was about focusing on what is ahead in this seat that I believe the President needs to fill, and fill quickly,” he said. “I will never back on life. It’s very personal for me. The truth was about being honest about where we’re going and what the president’s going to do. Sometimes in life, there’s just polite, and there’s just the truth. That was the truth.”

He said he did not mean any disrespect to Ginsburg or her family when he wrote the tweet.

“There was nowhere in there where I was celebrating a death,” Collins said. “I was making a statement.”

Ginsburg died Friday after a long battle with cancer. She was 87.

An idol of abortion activists, Ginsburg repeatedly ruled against rights and protections for unborn babies. She also made some discriminatory statements that are reflective of the old eugenics thinking rooted in abortion activism.

In 2016, she was one of the five justices who sided with abortion activists in the decision Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which struck down Texas abortion clinic regulations that protected women’s health and safety. Ginsburg and four other justices ruled that these safety regulations were an “undue burden” on women’s access to abortion.

She also sided with the Obama administration in trying to force nuns with the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for drugs that may cause abortions in their employee health care plans.