Joe Biden is Such a “Devout” Christian He’ll Force Catholic Nuns to Pay for Abortions

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Aug 26, 2020   |   12:01PM   |   Washington, DC

Add “devout” to the list of words that the left is trying to redefine to make themselves and their political candidates look better.

The term is being used often to describe Joe Biden’s Catholic faith. But Biden and his vice presidential running mate, Kamala Harris, have some of the most anti-life, anti-Catholic policies in U.S. history.

Among them, the Democrat presidential ticket would force nuns to pay for birth control, including types that may cause abortions, in their employee health plans and force all American taxpayers to pay for elective abortions through Medicaid. Catholic hospitals and doctors could be forced to help participate in the aborting of unborn babies, too.

Writing at The Federalist, Michael Warren Davis, the editor of Crisis Magazine, sarcastically pointed out, “Biden is such a ‘devout Catholic,’ he’ll persecute the church if elected.”

Davis continued:

There’s been some confusion about journalists labeling Joe Biden a “devout Catholic.” For those of you who luckily don’t work in the media industry, let me fill you in.

A “devout Catholic” is a politician who claims to be Catholic, yet dissents from the church’s social teaching on causes that are near and dear to leftist pundits. So, on the one hand, Biden supports taxpayer-funded abortion, has officiated at a same-sex wedding, and vowed to force nuns to buy the Pill. On the other, he wears a rosary around his wrist, which according to CNN makes him Mother Teresa in a blue blazer.

Meanwhile, a public figure who upholds Catholic social teaching—Amy Coney Barrett, for instance—is not “devout,” but an extremist. Hopefully, that clears things up.

SIGN THE PLEDGE: We Can’t Vote for Pro-Abortion Joe Biden

Sarcasm aside, Biden’s true devotion appears to be to the billion-dollar abortion industry and its radical anti-life agenda.

Earlier this summer, abortion activists were livid when the U.S. Supreme Court protected the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic nuns’ charity that serves the poor and elderly, from having to fund all forms of contraception, including types that cause abortions, in their employee health plans. Biden responded by reassuring them that, if elected, he will force the Catholic nuns to fund abortions and contraception.

Then, last year, he flip-flopped on taxpayer-funded elective abortions – something the abortion industry has been trying to get for decades. Biden said he now opposes the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer-funded abortions, and would work to end it, if elected. Popular among Americans, the amendment has saved more than 2.4 million unborn babies from abortions, according to research by Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Biden supports the killing of unborn babies in abortions in direct opposition to his faith. And unlike past Democrats, Biden does not talk about wanting to reduce abortions or make them rare. In April, he went so far as to call the aborting of unborn babies an “essential medical service” during the coronavirus pandemic.

This “devotion” to abortion is even more apparent in Harris.

“What’s even more dangerous to American Catholics than Biden is his number two,” Davis wrote, later adding: “We mustn’t be afraid to say so. Kamala Harris is a vengeful religious bigot.”

He pointed to Harris’s discriminatory opposition to a judicial nominee because he belongs to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization, as well as her unjust prosecution of undercover journalist David Daleiden after he exposed horrific actions involving one of her favorite political groups, Planned Parenthood.

Harris also sponsored two bills, the Equality Act and the Do No Harm Act, that would severely undermine religious freedom for medical workers, hospitals, doctors offices and religious organizations.

“Catholic hospitals must bend the knee to Harris’s radical ideology or be shut down. Catholic doctors whose faith prohibits them from facilitating abortions, sterilizations, or sex changes must be forced to comply,” Terry Schilling, executive director at American Principles Project, wrote recently at The Federalist.

Biden supports this anti-religious freedom, anti-life agenda, too. According to Schilling’s column, his campaign website includes the Equality Act as a top legislative priority for his first 100 days in office, if elected.

Americans have very real reasons to be concerned about persecution if Biden and Harris win in November, Davis said.

“If the Democrats win in America, my coreligionists and I will face systemic discrimination from the federal government,” he concluded. “That is something no patriotic American may countenance, no matter how ‘devout.’”