On Sunday, thirty-five years will have passed since Saint Teresa of Calcutta spoke at the 1985 National Right to Life Convention. Escorted by John Cardinal O’Connor, her appearance in front of a huge audience and a constellation of pro-life Members of Congress was a once in a lifetime experience for everyone blessed to attend.
Mother Teresa, as she was then known, spoke of the love that God has for each of us and for the unborn child:
And today, that little unborn child has become the target of destruction. Destroyed while destroying the beautiful image of God, the beautiful presence of God. For each one, every little unborn child is created in the image of God, is created for some greater things—to love and to be loved. That’s why abortion is such a terrible evil—a terrible destroyer of peace, of love, of unity, of joy. Anything that’s beautiful destroyed. Because the little one is not just a number, but somebody precious to God, somebody precious to you and to me.
Fittingly, as one of the co-founders of National Right to Life’s oldest affiliate, the Virginia Society for Human Life, National Right to Life’s then-chairman of the board Geline B. Williams, introduced Mother Teresa. Mrs. Williams said, “Mother Teresa of Calcutta is one of the best known and most respected defenders of life in the world.”
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“Mother Teresa inspired millions around the world,” said National Right to Life President Carol Tobias. “As she once said, ‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.’ That remains a powerful motivation to all of us in the pro-life movement even today.”
A video of the speech can be watched here.