Liberal View co-host Joy Behar on Tuesday defended Joe Biden against sexual assault allegations, lashing out against those who would suggest Biden step aside. She hypocritically whined about the left having to be “pure as the driven” snow unlike conservatives. The View host probably doesn’t want to be reminded of her noxious defense of “dog” Bill Clinton and of Ted Kennedy. Not exactly #MeToo saints.
But first, here’s Behar: “Somebody was writing a piece in The Washington Post about how [Biden] should step aside. Absolutely not. Absolutely not…. A half dozen accusers on the other side [for Trump]. I don’t hear anybody saying Trump should resign.”
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The Post op-ed that Behar was referring to is by Democrat Lyz Lenz and it’s headlined, “Biden should step aside. We can’t sacrifice another woman for political gain.” Lenz wrote, “Many Democrats are twisting themselves into rhetorical pretzels to justify ignoring Reade’s allegations
She added:
It happened with President Bill Clinton after the allegations of sexual misconduct from Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Leslie Millwee and Monica Lewinsky. (In light of the #MeToo movement, Lewinsky has come to describe her relationship with Clinton as a “gross abuse of power.”)
Indeed, this is so. And one of those defenders of Bill Clinton was Behar. On January 5, 2016, Behar was confronted by token conservative Paula Faris with the rape and assault allegations against Clinton. Then-co-host Faris reminded: “Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey. They say that he [Clinton] either exposed himself to them, raped them or groped them.” Behar openly admitted her double standard: “He is a dog. Let’s face it.” She later declared, “But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.”
It wasn’t just Bill Clinton. Speaking of Ted Kennedy, who in1969 left a woman to drown in an overturned car, she justified: “Chappaquiddick. I mean, a girl drowns and he abandons her and she drowned and women still voted for Teddy Kennedy. Why? Because he voted for women’s rights. That’s why.”
On Tuesday, Behar fumed at the idea of dumping Biden: “The right-wing does not apologize. They don’t mind being hypocritical. Why are we so pure as the driven snow? I mean really.”
On the #MeToo issue, one phrase that should be never applied to Behar is “pure as the driven snow.” Note: Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing writer to NewsBusters, its blog where this item first appeared. Scott’s blogs have been featured in the “Inside Politics” section of the Washington Times and linked to on the Drudge Report. He is a graduate of George Mason University. This originally appeared at Newsbusters.