Michigan Catholic leaders slammed Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for declaring elective abortions “life sustaining” while restricting people from buying seeds to grow their own food.
Whitmer’s restrictions during the coronavirus crisis are among the strictest of all state executive orders, and Michiganders have protested in large numbers in recent days. Whitmer issued executive order 2020-42, which ultimately went into effect on April 9, and mandates that big box-type stores restrict access to portions of their stores as a means of reducing the number of customers in certain areas. Those sections include lawn and garden. Essentially the order limits the purchase of gardening supplies, seeds, tools and other necessary items for people to grow their own food at home, critics say.
But amid all her restrictions, the Democrat governor allowed an exemption for a favorite ally of hers: the abortion industry.
“How can Governor Whitmer on the one hand prohibit medical surgeries and the growth of food through gardening yet refer to a procedure that intentionally destroys a developing human person as ‘life sustaining?’” the Michigan Catholic Conference responded Sunday in a statement.
Breitbart reports the Catholic bishops slammed the governor for putting money and special interest lobbying groups ahead of her state’s own residents. They urged her to focus on “the needs of the people of Michigan, not the demands of the abortion industry.”
Last Thursday, Whitmer tried to defend her decision to allow elective abortions while restricting other necessary medical procedures.
“A woman’s healthcare, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family is not an election, it is a fundamental to her life,” Whitmer said on Axe Files podcast. “It is life sustaining and it’s something that government should not be getting in the middle of. ”
SIGN THE PETITION: Stop Infanticide! Stop Abortions Up to Birth!
The bishops called out her double-speak, responding, “The logic is removed from reality: night is not day; war is not peace.”
Though Whitmer’s statement is outrageous and illogical, the bishops said they were not surprised by it. They referred to her long political history of supporting the killing of unborn babies for any reason up to birth.
A tweet recently surfaced of Whitmer donning a pink Planned Parenthood hat in 2018 that mocked President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” Whitmer is shown in a pink t-shirt and matching ball cap with white words emblazoned across it that read, “Planned Parenthood Makes America Great.” She captioned her selfie with, “The future is bright…. and pink!”
“Her comments indicate how easily candidates for higher office are pushed into a dark corner by the abortion industry. Joe Biden’s abdication of his forty-year support for the Hyde Amendment no doubt paved the way,” the bishops said, noting the political influence of the billion-dollar abortion industry.
The Catholic leaders urged the governor to stop and think about “the wounds her comments have created for countless people in this state and elsewhere.”
Tens of thousands of people in Michigan lost their jobs because of Whitmer’s restrictions during the coronavirus, and now they cannot even buy seeds to plant gardens to feed their families. Individuals are not allowed to use their own motor boats and vacation homes to social distance either.
Meanwhile, Michigan abortion facilities continue business as usual. Right now, they are not just destroying unborn babies’ lives but also putting women and staff at greater risk of contracting the virus while using up personal protective equipment and other medical supplies needed by hospitals to treat coronavirus patients.