Joe Biden confirmed rumors Monday that he is considering former First Lady Michelle Obama as his pick for vice president.
World Net Daily reports Biden, a pro-abortion Democrat, told KDKA in Pittsburgh that he would “take” Obama “in a heartbeat” if she would be willing to accept the position.
“She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends,” Biden said.
However, he said he doubts the former first lady, who also supports abortion on demand, would accept the position.
“I don’t think she has any desire to live near the White House again,” Biden said. “In terms of who to pick, we’re just beginning the process. We’ll shortly name the committee to review this and begin to look through the backgrounds of the various potential nominees.”
Biden, who served as vice president under the Obamas, is the presumptive Democratic nominee for the presidency. He recently promised to choose a woman as his vice presidential running mate.
“I’ll commit to that [it will] be a woman because it is very important that my administration look like the public, look like the nation,” he said Monday. “And there will be, committed that there will be a woman of color on the Supreme Court, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a vice president, as well.”
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“I think it’s really important now that we establish once and for all, we should have had a woman president already, in Hillary [Clinton],” Biden told the radio station. “There are a number of qualified women out there.”
Michelle Obama, like her husband and Biden, has a radical pro-abortion stance. In 2012, LifeNews reported about a letter that she wrote supporting partial-birth abortions in 2004. Obama wrote about her opposition to a federal ban on the gruesome late-term abortion method, calling the law “flawed” and “clearly unconstitutional.”
“… this ban on a legitimate medical procedure is clearly unconstitutional and must be overturned,” Michelle Obama wrote in the letter.
In 2012, she defended her husband’s pro-abortion policies, saying, “And he believes that women are more than capable of making our own choices about our bodies and our health care. That’s what my husband stands for.”
She also welcomed abortion activists, including former Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, to the White House repeatedly and appointed one of them as her chief of staff.
If she would be interested, Michelle Obama almost certainly would join Biden in advocating for taxpayer-funded, unrestricted abortions up to birth in America.