The abortion giant Planned Parenthood will pour at least $45 million into the 2020 election to push pro-abortion Democrats to power.
Hoping to defeat President Donald Trump and retake the U.S. Senate, the abortion chain announced its “biggest electoral effort in history” this week, CBS News reports.
“[The Trump Administration] has managed to undo so much over the last three years,” Planned Parenthood Votes executive director Jenny Lawson told CBS. “The fact that this summer the Supreme Court might gut Roe v. Wade is an indicator of their intention and they’ve never been so bold.”
Planned Parenthood, a $1.6 billion dollar “nonprofit” that did more than 345,000 abortions last year, wants the unrestricted, unregulated abortion landscape of Roe to stay.
The 1973 Supreme Court ruling made America one of only seven countries in the world that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and a pro-abortion Democrat in the White House or a Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate could keep it that way.
Planned Parenthood is targeting nine key swing states ahead of the election: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the report.
The $45 million will be spent on canvassing, advertisements on TV, radio, mail and the internet, and other on-the-ground efforts. The abortion advocacy group hopes to reach 5 million voters before the November election, the report states.
Though it has not endorsed a presidential candidate yet, Lawson said Planned Parenthood likes all of the Democrats so far.
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“The Democratic candidates collectively have the boldest reproductive rights policies we’ve ever seen,” she said. “Every major candidate in the 2020 elections, except for Donald Trump, has spoken out against dangerous abortion bans and many of them have actually introduced real plans to protect the reproductive rights in this country.”
The Democrat candidates are “bold” – too bold for the American people. Their positions on abortion are radical and out of touch with most voters. They support abortions for any reason up to birth and want to force taxpayers to fund them. Polls consistently show strong public opposition to both.
That is what makes Planned Parenthood’s name for its election campaign so interesting: “We Decide 2020.” The abortion industry is spending huge amounts of money to put political leaders into power who will ignore the will of the American people and and push the abortion industry’s agenda.
Year after year, pro-abortion groups have vastly outspent pro-life organizations in elections, but that spending largely has not swayed public opinions on abortion.
According to the Pacific Standard: “If you search the usual websites for campaign-finance data on pro-choice and pro-life groups, a surprising fact becomes clear: Pro-choice abortion-policy organizations outspend pro-life ones, by anywhere from 20 percent to 900 percent, nearly every year, going back to 1990, which is the oldest data gathered by the Center for Responsive Politics.”
According to Gallup polls, however, Americans have remained consistently opposed to abortion across those same decades. As LifeNews reported in June, Gallup found 60% of Americans take a pro-life position on abortion wanting all (21%) or almost all 39% abortions made illegal.
It’s clear why the largest abortion chain in America wants to end the Trump administration. In the past three years, Trump has defunded Planned Parenthood of approximately $160 million in tax dollars through the Mexico City policy and Title X protect life rule. His administration is fighting for the rights of doctors and nurses whose livelihoods are being threatened because they oppose abortion, and Trump has appointed numerous conservative judges to federal courts.
The 2020 election has high stakes. Depending on who wins, America could restore protections for babies in the womb, or it could return to the early post-Roe days when unborn babies could be aborted for any reason up to birth by an unregulated, profit-driven abortion industry.