Planned Parenthood Defends Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Off Babies’ Limbs

State   |   Steven Ertelt   |   Jan 13, 2020   |   2:54PM   |   Lincoln, Nebraska

A Planned Parenthood lobbyist in Nebraska defended abortions that dismember nearly fully formed unborn babies, claiming the barbaric procedures are between a woman and her doctor.

The Nebraska unicameral legislature is currently considering a bill that would ban dismemberment abortions, often called dilation and extraction abortions. A ban on Dismemberment Abortion, also known as D & E abortion, was introduced in the Nebraska Legislature by Senator Suzanne Geist (LD25) on the opening day of Session.

Dismemberment abortion, otherwise known as dilation and evacuation (D&E), is a procedure in which the abortionist dilates the woman’s cervix and then uses steel instruments to dismember and extract the baby from the uterus. It is a common second-trimester abortion method that dismembers a nearly fully-formed unborn baby while his or her heart is still beating.

The Nebraska health department indicates anywhere from 21 to 186 unborn babies have been killed in dismemberment abortions each year and  the dismemberment abortion procedure killed 32 babies in 2018.

However, Andi Curry Grub, Nebraska state executive director for Planned Parenthood North Central States, defended tearing off babies’ arms and legs in abortions as just something that that should be left to doctors and patients, like a legitimate medical procedure.

“Any time we allow politicians to start interfering in the relationship between a doctor and patient, we’re opening a can of worms,” Curry Grub states. “Their goal is to ban abortion outright, and this is just a first step.”

The Planned Parenthood activists also thinks ripping apart a baby is the best way to provide care for patients, even though an unborn baby is a second patient when a mother is pregnant.

“I think that this does the complete opposite,” she stresses. “I think it actually could put women in danger because it’s taking away a physician’s ability to provide the best care possible to their patients.”

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Senator Geist kicked off the introduction of LB 814 with press conference at the Capitol featuring 20 Senators who have signed on to co-sponsor the bill. Representatives from Nebraska Right to Life, Nebraska Catholic Conference and Nebraska Family Alliance spoke at the event offering their support.

The new law would prohibit dismemberment abortions, a method typically used in the second trimester to kill nearly fully-formed, living unborn babies. It is a barbaric and dangerous procedure in which the unborn baby is ripped apart in the womb and pulled out in pieces while his or her heart is still beating.

“Can you imagine what it would feel like to be torn limb by limb until you bleed to death?” said Julie Schmit-Albin, Executive Director of Nebraska Right to Life. “Now put yourself in the place of defenseless unborn babies who are aborted via this method known as Dismemberment Abortion. We thank Senator Geist for seeking to ban this practice with LB 814.”

“When the abortion industry practices brutal techniques” said Schmit-Albin, ” it only makes sense for lawmakers to seek to end those practices just as they have previously with partial birth abortion and with abortions after 20 weeks based upon fetal pain.”

In many cases, the unborn babies may feel excruciating pain as they are being dismembered, Dr. Donna Harrison of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists testified Wednesday. She pointed to studies and practices where unborn babies in the second trimester are given anesthesia during fetal surgery to protect them from feeling pain.

Currently, 12 states ban dismemberment abortions: Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky and North Dakota. In April, a judge blocked Ohio from enforcing its pro-life law.

ACTION ALERT: Contact the Nebraska legislature to support the dismemberment abortion ban.