All across the country, Planned Parenthood is trying to overturn laws that protect women from unsafe abortions.
Its newest lawsuit, filed Thursday in Anchorage Superior Court, seeks to end an Alaska law requiring that abortions be done by doctors, KTOO News reports. The lawsuit challenges the Alaska law and decisions by the state medical and nursing boards prohibiting nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants and midwives from aborting unborn babies.
It is no secret that the abortion industry has been struggling to find young doctors to replace aging abortionists. These new lawsuits are one of the ways the abortion industry hopes to prop up its life-destroying business. Abortion rates are dropping and abortion clinics have been closing partly because fewer doctors are willing to abort unborn babies.
Hoping to expand abortions in rural Alaska, Planned Parenthood argued that the restrictions are “without medical justification,” and medical professionals who are not doctors should be allowed to do abortions, the AP reports.
Kim Clark, a lawyer for the pro-abortion group Legal Voice, claimed the law is no longer necessary because abortions are safer now, according to the report. Abortions never are safe for unborn babies, though they can be dangerous for the mothers, too.
She also argued that the law makes it more difficult for rural women to access abortions.
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Planned Parenthood also is challenging similar laws in Idaho, Maine and Wisconsin.
Currently, 42 states require that a licensed physician perform abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Even abortion activists acknowledged that these laws were passed to protect women’s health.
In 2015, California passed a law allowing non-doctors to abort unborn babies. The new law has put countless women and their unborn babies at risk. One study found that abortions done by non-physicians were twice as likely to have complications as those done by licensed physicians.
In a similar vein, the abortion industry also has been fighting against conscience protections for medical professionals who oppose abortions. In addition, abortion facilities are challenging state laws that ensure they are able to help a patient experiencing a medical emergency, require them to meet basic health and safety standards, and require them to provide informed consent to women prior to the abortion.