The pro-life advocates behind the series of undercover videos exposing the Planned Parenthood abortion corporation selling aborted baby parts vow they will appeal a horrendous ruling today. A San Francisco jury decided that pro-life advocate David Daleiden, and his pro-life colleagues, has caused substantial harm to the Planned Parenthood abortion business as a result of his organization’s undercover reporting and exposing of its potentially illegal sales of aborted baby parts nationwide.
Planned Parenthood lodged the punitive lawsuit against Troy Newman, Sandra Merritt, David Daleiden, Albin Rhomberg, and Adrian Lopez after the release of a series of CMP videos, which documented Planned Parenthood executives admitting they sold aborted baby remains for profit, committed battery on women by illegally altering abortion procedures to ensure intact organs that would bring the most money, and harvested still-beating hearts from the bodies of babies born alive during abortions.
Newman, President of Operation Rescue, was found liable, along with the others, for $870,000 in damages for his service as a founding board member of the Center for Medical Progress. Civil counts against him included conspiracy, fraud, and violations of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
Newman maintains that his participation in the undercover journalistic project was completely legal and that he engaged in no wrongdoing. He vows to appeal the verdicts.
“I want to thank my legal team from the American Center for Law and Justice for their hard work defending me in this lengthy, complex, and difficult case, and look forward to a better outcome in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which has become more conservative thanks to new appointments made by President Trump,” said Newman.
Newman said the jury was never allowed to view more than a few moments of video, which may have made a tremendous difference in the outcome of this case.
Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action, where Daleiden spent time as a pro-life advocate, lent her support to the pro-life advocates behind the videos.
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She told LifeNews:
“David Daleiden and those who helped to expose Planned Parenthood’s gruesome baby body parts trafficking scheme should immediately appeal today’s guilty verdict, which surely belongs instead to the $1.5 billion dollar abortion corporation that kills over 900 preborn children every day. Planned Parenthood Judge Orrick – who has well-documented ties to the organization – was clearly incapable of seeing the true criminals here, who are those engaged in the harvesting and sale of the body parts of preborn children. It is a sad day when the justice system is manipulated by the rich and powerful to protect the guilty and punish the innocent.”
The jury will force Daleiden and the others to pay $870,000 to the abortion corporation in punitive damages for supposedly harming the abortion giant by attending its conferences and events and going on-site to Planned Parenthood abortion centers to record videos exposing the practice.
Daleiden told that “justice was not done today.”
“While top Planned Parenthood witnesses spent six weeks testifying under oath that the undercover videos are true and Planned Parenthood sold fetal organs on a quid pro quo basis, a biased judge with close Planned Parenthood ties spent six weeks trying to influence the jury with pre-determined rulings and suppressed the video evidence, all in order to rubber-stamp Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit attack on the First Amendment,” he said.
“This is a dangerous precedent for citizen journalism and First Amendment civil rights across the country, sending a message that speaking truth and facts to criticize the powerful is no longer protected by our institutions,” Daleiden continued.