Planned Parenthood Official Asserts There’s a Right to Kill a Baby Who Survives Abortion

Opinion   |   Shawn Carney   |   Oct 15, 2019   |   3:08PM   |   Washington, DC

It’s working! The internet and television ad we released on Planned Parenthood and infanticide is gaining traction.

The video is causing a stir–while also drawing criticism from all the usual suspects. But while the video creates a buzz…

…Planned Parenthood doesn’t know how to respond.

That’s because the video includes footage of a scene Planned Parenthood does NOT want you to see: testimony from its own representative asserting the right to kill a baby who survives a botched abortion.

Take a look:

Follow on Instagram for pro-life pictures and videos.

Keep the pressure on and expose Planned Parenthood’s agenda by sharing this video with EVERYONE you know.

Oradea, Romania

A wedding is a great occasion to celebrate life.

In Romania, a newly married couple took some time on their special day to pray for an end to abortion at the Oradea 40 Days for Life vigil.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Washington, New Jersey

The Washington, New Jersey campaign is off to a great start with excellent vigil turnout and participation from multiple faith traditions.

“I’m especially grateful for some teen girls who came out, convicted by the movie Unplanned,” the local leader, Jennifer, said.

Though two Planned Parenthood supporters heckled her volunteers, Jennifer said “They were no match for our prayer warriors!” Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.