Just 5 days in, we already know of 31 babies saved from abortion through YOUR prayers!
On a rainy Memphis day, an abortion-bound couple refused assistance from a trained sidewalk counselor named Tara. But before long, the man exited Planned Parenthood, offering to help shield vigil participants’ materials from the rain.
Was he really that concerned about keeping some pro-life brochures dry? Or was he hoping to have his mind changed about abortion?
Either way, Tara gladly used the opportunity to tell him all about the support available to help the couple choose life. The man said he would try to change the woman’s mind, but when a half hour passed, hope began to fade.
Finally, they emerged from Planned Parenthood and announced they had decided against abortion!
By this point, Tara had been relieved by a new sidewalk counselor named Bethany (second from right in the photo above). On her very FIRST week of sidewalk counseling, she walked the couple over to the pregnancy center and was even invited to see the ultrasound.
“Praise Jesus!” Jessie, the Memphis leader, said. “Suddenly, the rain doesn’t seem so bad!”
Greeley, Colorado
Stephanie decided to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign in Greeley, Colorado at the very last minute.
But it would not take long to find confirmation that she made the right choice. Her vigil saved a baby on day 1 of the campaign!
A couple left Planned Parenthood and told a group of prayer warriors they had decided against abortion. When Stephanie heard the good news, she was stunned–and even asked the volunteer who told her to repeat himself.
“She changed her mind because we were here,” he said.
Thank you, Stephanie, for answering the call to lead in your community!
Plattsburgh, New York
The young couple sat conflicted in a car parked in front of Planned Parenthood.
A vigil participant approached and initiated a conversation. “[The man] said he really didn’t want to go into Planned Parenthood,” Nancy, the local leader, reported.
Fortunately, the campaign volunteer had an alternative to the abortion facility. He walked them next door to the local pregnancy center for a free pregnancy test.
“Thank goodness…” Nancy said. “…we’ll never know what Planned Parenthood would have done.
LifeNews.com Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.