Cruel Pro-Abortion Trolls Call This Disabled Baby a “Monster”

International   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Dec 28, 2018   |   1:30PM   |   London, England

Naffi and Racheli Goldman spend every hour of their days caring for their severely disabled daughter.

But they sacrifice joyfully, realizing that Batya’s life is a precious miracle.

Not everyone shares their views, however. Somerset Live reports the family has been targeted by cruel internet trolls who call Batya a monster and tell her parents that she is better off dead.

The little girl faced discrimination before birth, too, when doctors suggested that she be aborted, according to the report.

The Goldmans, a Manchester, England family who now live in Israel, said Batya was diagnosed with a series of life-threatening disabilities late in Racheli’s pregnancy. Doctors said the unborn infant had spina bifida, Pfeiffer Syndrome and Antley Bixler Syndrome and was “not compatible with life,” the report states.

Even though she was seven months pregnant, Racheli was given the option to abort Batya. She refused.

“It was absolutely heartbreaking to hear and our world came crashing down. But God is a creator and he doesn’t make mistakes. We will look after the gift we have been given,” she said.

“As soon as we walked out of the doctor’s office we said straight away that we will keep the baby no matter what,” Racheli continued.

Doctors predicted that the baby girl might die in the womb anyway, but on Jan. 3, 2018, she arrived, the report states. Over the next few months, she and the doctors fought for her life.

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Now, she lives at home with her parents, but she requires around-the-clock care.

“We do it out of love for our daughter,” Naffi said. “We have to clean her ventilation tubes and if we miss a suction then she could suffocate. We work to keep our daughter alive.”

Here’s more from the report:

This month, mum Racheli, shared photos of her baby on Facebook, and was viciously attacked by online trolls for going against medics advice.

The messages said things like “do you think keeping this creature alive is the right thing to do?”.

Another troll called Batya a “sick fetus” whilst one person said Racheli’s baby looked like “medusa”, known in Greek Mythology as a monster.

The Goldmans felt heartbroken at the cruel discrimination, but they hope that, by sharing their daughter’s story, more people will realize her value, no matter what her abilities.

“She is a pampered baby for sure. She loves to be kissed, she loves to be held,” her father said. “She likes to know when people are around her. She can’t see or hear so we try to be around her all the time so she isn’t scared.

“She has found a way to survive and we absolutely love her,” Naffi said.

Tragically, legalized abortion has opened the doors for massive, eugenic discrimination against babies like Batya. Parents of children with disabilities frequently report feeling pressured to have abortions – even for problems as minor as a cleft lip. Abortion treats human life as worthless, disposable.

Fortunately, there are many parents like the Goldmans who recognize the truth that children, no matter what their abilities are or how long they might live, are valuable human beings who deserve the chance to live and be loved.