Former Employees Expose Planned Parenthood: “Everything They Did Was Money-Motivated”

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   Dec 19, 2018   |   12:47PM   |   Nashville, Tennessee

Several employees of a Nashville Planned Parenthood voiced concerns this week that the abortion facility put money ahead of patients’ well-being.

Their comments echo what other former employees also have said about the abortion giant’s true priorities.

Two weeks ago, the Nashville facility announced that it had stopped doing abortions for “a period of quality improvement.” Spokeswoman Tereva Parham said they were struggling to find a new abortionist, but they hope to eventually resume doing abortions.

Looking for more answers, the Nashville Scene interviewed four local Planned Parenthood employees, some of whom lost their jobs after it stopped doing abortions. Each said something similar, “New management prioritized money over patients.”

According to the report: “… all describe a turbulent six months leading up to the announcement. Some learned of the news by email, while others found out when they checked a work schedule and noticed their name no longer appeared on it.”

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Here’s more from the report:

Questions about what exactly “a period of quality improvement” meant were returned with what can best be described as word salad (e.g., “As soon as we’re able to address the aspects of this quality improvement, we are looking to be able to provide those services, those specific services, as soon as possible”). When the Scene tried to follow up with Parham for this story, an automatic email response came back: “Be advised, Tereva Parham is no longer employed at Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi.”

… The staffers, who spoke under the condition of anonymity due to fear of facing retaliation, say they don’t believe it had to come to this. Some doctors and staff were willing to stay on providing abortion services, even if it was on a part-time basis, they say. The blunt, cold delivery of the news is in line with what they describe as a number of recent policy changes at the clinic that they perceived as being designed to prioritize money over patients.

The employees said problems began around June 1 when two of Planned Parenthood’s southern affiliates merged.

“It felt like everything they did was money-motivated, not motivated by [concern for] the patient,” an employee told the news outlet.

Their concerns included new policies prohibiting them from screening patients for financial assistance and charging them extra for IV sedation — something that used to be included in the price of an abortion, according to the report.

And, a potential health hazard, “new management stopped providing doctors with sterile gloves and, staffers say, wanted to use small plastic drinking cups for urine samples,” the report continued.

The report continues:

All of that, employees tell the Scene, was at odds with the mission they’d signed up for — helping often desperate women and trying to make a difficult situation easier whenever possible. Far from rushing women into an abortion, the staff members each describe a personal desire to make sure women knew all of their options, and could proceed with the one that was best for them as safely and comfortably — and with as much dignity — as possible. The clinic’s new direction seemed increasingly at odds with that mission, but they stayed on.

Their stories sound very similar to those of Abby Johnson, Ramona Treviño, Sue Thayer, Catherine Adair, Monica Cline and others who left Planned Parenthood after realizing that it did not really care about women.

Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director, began working for the abortion chain out of a desire to help women in need. But she soon learned that money-making abortions were its real priority.

“I joined Planned Parenthood because I wanted to help poor women with real health care needs,” she said. “I still do — that’s why I left. Planned Parenthood doesn’t care about women’s health care needs, it cares about abortion.”

Treviño left after a scandal involving aiding the sex trafficking of minors, and Thayer said Planned Parenthood leaders discouraged employees from contacting authorities when they suspected a patient was being abused.

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion chain in America. It performs about 320,000 abortions a year and receives about half a billion taxpayer dollars annually, despite numerous scandals involving potentially illegal sales of aborted babies’ body parts, Medicaid fraud and failures to report sexual abuse of minors. Its most recent annual report showed a record income of $1.46 billion.