CNN Blames Bomb Threat on Trump Tweet Calling Out Its Liberal Bias as “Fake News”

National   |   Nicholas Fondacaro   |   Dec 7, 2018   |   10:04AM   |   Washington, DC

Late Thursday night, CNN’s New York office was again evacuated after someone from “the south” phoned in a bomb threat to the building. Thankfully, it turned out to have no validity as of this blog’s publication. According to CNN host Don Lemon, the timing was “suspicious” because it came mere minutes after President Trump put out a tweet attacking the media. And according to one unhinged CNN analyst, it was just another indicator that American was unmistakably “becoming a battlefield.”

The tweet CNN accused of sparking the bomb threat, said: “FAKE NEWS – THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”

As he was standing in the street outside the building, Lemon was not shy about suggesting the tweet was the cause. “We don’t know if it has anything to do with it but certainly after. The tweet came out at 10:08 and at 10:15 there was [inaudible] bomb threat,” he told CNN media reporter Brian Stelter.

Surprisingly, Stelter actually appeared to be the voice of reason. “Just because the President posts hateful speech on Twitter, that should not cause anybody to do anything stupid,” he told Lemon. “CNN, The New York Times, and many other media companies have been targets. For many years.”

But Lemon insisted President Trump had something to do with it. “And again, we don’t know but the timing is obviously suspicious. These are the times that we are living in and we know what the situation was with the last person who did something similar,” he opined.

Stelter seemed to snap at Lemon for continuing to push his baseless claim:

But that’s the responsibility of the criminal. That’s not the responsibility of anybody else. We should always think about the tone that’s put out. The tone that’s created is important. I think it’s important to say, people call who call in bomb threats, people who send bombs in the mail as happened in October, that is the responsibility of the criminal. Right now we have no evidence that anything is actually here. This is surely a false alarm. It is a disturbing false alarm.

Over 20 minutes later, Lemon brought on Samantha Vinograd, a former national security official in the Obama administration, to give her own deranged assessment. “Well, the first thing I want to say, Don, is, as I was on my way up here I was struck by the fact the President did tweet minutes before this event happened using language that we know has inflamed violence in the past,” she proclaimed.

According to Vinograd, not only was Trump’s Twitter account a nexus for violent rhetoric, but it was also a national security threat:

And from a national security perspective, it is clear that at least in the President’s Twitter feed there is this language that is trigger language for violence that has occurred in the past several weeks. And if you look at the macro picture here, it is very clear that the United States is now really becoming a battleground.

The number of bomb threats we have in this country is really starting to resemble countries around the world where people aren’t comfortable traveling, seconding their children, and going to study,” she added. “And so, at this point, we have to wonder what the risk assessment is for the United States based upon all these bomb threats that we’re seeing.

That’s right, according to CNN, Trump’s using Twitter to turn America into a Third World country. Moments later, the okay signal was given from the NYPD, so the Time Warner building and its surrounding areas were declared safe to enter. The best news in all of this was that everyone was okay. But all told, lashing out at the President before the facts are known does no one any good.

LifeNews Note: Nicholas Fondacaro writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.