It’s one of the most sacrilegious acts a religious leader could perform, but it’s happening again — this time in Columbus, Ohio. Tonight, the the so-called Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is planning a “blessing” of a local abortion clinic.
This appears to be a response to the closing ceremony of the 40 Days for Life campaign where pro-life advocates pray outside abortion facilities worldwide and offer practical pregnancy help and support for women.
Originally, the blessing was supposed to take place at a Planned Parenthood abortion center. Although, the Planned Parenthood event has now been taken off their website, RCRC’s Facebook page now has an event for a blessing during the same time at a different abortion facility: Your Choice Healthcare.
Pro-life advocate Mark Harrington, who alerted LifeNews to the event, believes that Planned Parenthood may have canceled the blessing of their facility after it received national attention and requested that the blessing be moved to another abortion clinic.
“There will still be a pro-life event outside Planned Parenthood. Created Equal will also raise awareness about how abortion kills innocent human beings during that time,” he said.
“At these combined locations, abortionists kill babies by chemical abortion and dismemberment abortion up to 19 weeks, 6 days. To suggest that God advocates for the shedding of innocent blood is blasphemous. Abortion is a frontal attack on those made in His image – human beings. Authentic ministers of God oppose the killing of the preborn, they don’t promote it,” Harrington said.
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The pro-abortion gathering is called Holy Ground: Blessing the Sacred Space of Decision. The first event description read:
During this clinic blessing, participants will gather with local faith leaders and guests to ask for God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s East Columbus Surgical facility, the abortion providers and staff, and all those who pass through the center.
In celebration of conscience and moral decision making, this event will include interfaith blessings, prayers, and testimonies about receiving and providing abortion care. This clinic blessing will create space for progressive voices of faith to speak boldly in support of comprehensive reproductive health care, especially abortion.
Harrington said: “If you never believed abortion was child sacrifice, think again. These priests of child-killing may not be offering children as a human sacrifice to Molech, a Canaanite deity associated with the practice of child sacrifice, but instead are offering them to a modern false idol called ‘reproductive choice,” he added.
This is not the first time religious leaders will have blessed an abortion clinic, it’s a practice that has occurred with more regularity.